How to Get Started With Solar Energy Panels in 2024
From initial cost to maintenance concerns, here's a primer on solar panels to help you decide if they're right for...

New Homeowner’s Guide To Solar Power
Is solar technology a good fit for the 21st century homeowner? Here's an overview of traditional and DIY solar options.

10 Houses that Actually Produce More Energy than They Consume
Imagine never having to pay a utility bill again. The energy efficiency of these unique homes actually creates a power...

The Best Off-Grid Power Systems Explained
Solar PV panels offer the best off-grid power option, according to our expert, but there's a lot more to a...

What to Do Within the First Year After Moving Into Your New Home
When you move into your new home, there are a number of cleaning tasks, basic projects and upgrades to consider....

What to Consider When Preparing Your Site for a Build
Before you can start building a cabin or home, you need to prepare the site. Here are the steps for...

What’s the Best Thermostat Setting for the Summer?
Too hot? Too cold? Stay comfortable and save on energy bills by figuring out what temperature to set your thermostat...

7 Things Solar Panel Companies Don’t Tell You
Installing solar panels in your home can lower your environmental footprint and your monthly bills, but there are also some...

11 Myths About Saving Energy at Home
Reap the rewards of energy savings by ignoring these myths.

Choosing Your Best Heating System for the House
Find the best heating system for your home by learning what's available and how they compare.

What to Know About Energy Star Certification
Chances are, you recognize the Energy Star name and logo. But do you know what it means? We'll look at...

12 Things Homeowners Should Check in Winter
Be prepared this winter by keeping an eye on these things in your home.

What’s the Ideal Temperature to Set Your Thermostat in Winter?
Stop the thermostat wars in your home with this definitive look at the optimal temperature to set your thermostat in...

50 Super Simple Ways to Save on Energy Costs
Watch your utility bills drop with these smart (and easy!) energy saving projects you can DIY.

5 Ways To Save Energy During the Pandemic
Offset some of the extra energy expense you're accruing during the pandemic with these energy-conservation tips.

7 Best Window Draft Stoppers
With winter right around the corner, learn how window draft stoppers can help keep your home cozy and warm this...

8 Best Door Draft Stoppers
Keep your toes toasty this winter with door draft stoppers that block frigid air from coming in and heated air...

8 Best Fireplace and Chimney Draft Stoppers For a Warm, Cozy Home
Fireplace draft stoppers come in many forms, but they all have one thing in common: They keep your home warm...

When and Where to Use Draft Stoppers
Keep winter's icy cold winds at bay with ready-made or do-it-yourself draft stoppers.

What to Know About Thermal Drapes
When it's time to winterize your home, thermal drapes are a cost- and energy-efficient way to take off the chill.

How Much Electricity Different Items in Your House Use
Trying to reduce your electricity usage? Our experts show you how.

Top Rated RV Solar Panels and Kits To Enhance Your RV Journey
Silent and fume-free electric power for your RV is what solar panel kits deliver. Check out these six top models...

10 Ways to Insulate Your Home Without Opening Up Walls
Don't live in an under-insulted home just because you don't want to destroy your walls.

10 Simple Ways to Stay Warm This Winter and Lower Utility Bills
The weather outside is frightful, but it doesn't need to feel that way indoors. These fixes help keep the cold...

How to Install a Thermostat in 3 Steps
Save money on your energy bill

22 Ways to Cut Your Heating Bills
Here are some easy ways to save energy and money on heating bills. These fixes are inexpensive and you'll recoup...

17 Ways to Master Using Spray Foam at Home
Despite the obvious drawbacks-it's messy, sticky and impossible to remove once it cures-there's nothing better than spray foam for sealing...

How To Choose the Right LED Bulbs for Your Home
Shopped for light bulbs lately? If you have, you may have noticed that most bulbs sold now are LED (light...

Most Eco-friendly Home Appliances for Sustainable Living
Slash your energy bills when you upgrade with these Energy Star-certified appliances!