
Beef up your plumbing skills so you’re ready for anything, whether that’s revamping a bathroom or tackling a plumbing emergency.

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Winter Checklist: 25 Things Every Homeowner Should Get Done Right Now

You’ll definitely regret not checking these items off of your to-do list BEFORE winter arrives.

Save Big By Hiring These 6 Types of Contractors Off-Season

Choosing the right time to hire home contractors can save you money and get better quality work. Here's the best...

The Dos and Don’ts of a Bathroom Remodel

A bathroom remodel can be a stressful endeavor, whether it's a DIY job or you hire a professional. However, when...

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This is What Happens When You Flush a Goldfish Down the Toilet (Hint: Don’t Do It)

Here's what happens when you flush a goldfish down the toilet.

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Fixing a Water-Shutoff Valve Leak

Solution to a leak around the water valve shut-off handle

7 Tankless Water Heater Myths You Need to Stop Believing

These myths might make you think tankless water heaters aren't effective!

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How to Locate Your Gas Shutoff Valve and Water Shutoff Valve

How to find and operate shutoff valves for gas and water pipes.

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The 55 Most Brilliant PVC Hacks You’ve Ever Seen

What can’t you do with PVC pipe? Here are 56 incredibly smart (and cheap!) ways to use this do-it-all material...

What Is a Bidet and How Do They Work?

Experts say bidets are not only more hygienic than toilet paper, but can be easier on your plumbing.

How to Increase Water Pressure in Your House

Tried everything? Learn how to increase water pressure with a water pressure booster pump.

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Should You Caulk Your Toilet to The Floor?

You may not agree, but trust us, you're going to want to.

The Toilet Seat: A Brief History

Toilet seats have come a long way.

The Evolution of the Toilet Seat

The toilet seat hasn't always been so simple...

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Stop Leaks in Plumbing Joints

Foolproof methods for connecting valves, faucets and sinks, and drain parts.

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Ever Wondered How a Toilet Works? Follow Us Into the Tank for a Closer Look!

Learn the basics so you can fix it yourself—and save!

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Here’s Why You Should Install a Dual-Flush Toilet

A dual-flush toilet will do you — and your water bill — a huge favor.

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Is Expensive Toilet Paper Actually Bad for Your Toilet?

There are a lot of ways that a toilet can get backed up. But what if it's actually your expensive...

This is the Best Way to Cut PVC Pipe

Unless you have three hands, you're going to want to check out this tip.

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No Hot Water? Restore It Yourself

No more hot water? You may need a new thermocouple.

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13 Tips for Winterizing Your House Plumbing

We all know that water expands when it freezes. That’s not a problem with the ice cubes in your freezer,...

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12 Tips for Water Damage Repair

Once you've shut down the water source and electricity, you may be staring at puddles and wondering, "What now?" Now...

Why You Should Freeze Pipes on Purpose

Most homeowners are concerned with how to keep pipes from freezing during the winter. But consider this situation contributing editor Kurt...

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10 Silent Signs Your House has a Major Plumbing Problem

Catch plumbing issues before it's too late.

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How to Connect a PVC Pipe to ABS Pipe

This is the best way to connect these two types of pipes

How to Fix a Chip in the Sink

How to make an almost invisible repair

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14 Toilet Problems You Should Never Ignore

If you spot these troubles with your toilet, don't wait around for them to go away.

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13 Plumbing Tricks of the Trade for Weekend Plumbers

More than any other type of home improvement job, plumbing can drive a DIYer crazy. Problems arise, projects grow, frustrations...