Remove and reset pavers with this easy four-step method.

1 hour or less


$10 - $60
Follow these special techniques for removing sunken or dipped patio pavers and resetting them at the proper height. Make your patio perfectly smooth again.
After a few years, paver block patios and walkways often develop low spots. However, these areas can be brought back up to grade with a few bags of sand, a length of pipe and a screed board. Ahead, we’ll walk you through how to fix a sunken patio yourself.
Tools Required
- Flat-head screwdriver
- Level
- Rubber mallet
- Trowel
Materials Required
- 1x screed board
- Sand
- Straight steel pipe
Project step-by-step (4)
Remove the pavers
First, remove the pavers from the low area. If they’re packed in tight, use a screwdriver to lever the first paver out, levering each end a little at a time and tapping on surrounding pavers until you can pull out the paver.
Level the screed pipe
Make a screed board long enough to rest on the level pavers around it. Then notch the ends 1/8 inch less than the depth of the pavers.
If the area is large or against the house or grass, set a screed pipe along one side and level it against the pavers you’re matching. If you’re trying to match a sloping walk, shim the level at the downhill end to match the slope.
Add and screed the sand
Fill the low area with coarse, all-purpose sand, then screed it level. Use a trowel like a spatula around the edges to scrape away any excess sand.
Tap down the pavers
Brush any old sand off the sides of the pavers, then set them back into place and drive them down until they’re flush with the other pavers. Spread dry sand over the pavers, tamping and sweeping until the joints are completely full. That’s it— your sunken patio is fixed!