Keep your kitchen clean and grease free by replacing your range hood filter every six months. Here's how.

An hour or less


Range hoods save us from smoke-filled kitchens and wailing smoke alarms. But range hoods are only as good as their filters. If it's been more than six months since you've replaced yours, it's time to swap them out, or at least investigate what your manufacturer recommends.
Range hoods can be ducted or ductless, and which one you have determines the approach to take. I have a ducted hood with aluminum filters that should be washed monthly. These filters don't need to be replaced unless they're old or defective, or you just want to make a fresh start rather than clean the filters.
Ductless models use charcoal filters and fans to remove pollutants from the air and return it to the kitchen. These filters should be replaced every six months. Some are round; others might be square. Under-cabinet models may have a combination aluminum grease trap and charcoal filter.
Because my range hood can be installed as ducted or ductless, I'll show you how to change both filter styles on a chimney-style hood. If you have a different style, find the model number on your hood and download your hood's product manual to get started on this easy project.
Tools Required
- No tools are required for this project
Materials Required
- Replacement aluminum filters (ducted hoods only).
- Replacement charcoal filters (ductless hoods only)
Project step-by-step (5)
Determine which filter you need
- Find the label on your range hood.
- You may need to remove the filter(s) to expose the label.
- Find a small clip or lever under the hood and slide or push to release the filter.
- Take a picture or write down the filter information.
- Some range hoods list two types because the hood can be installed ducted or ductless. Learn how to install a range hood.
Determine your hood type
- Check to see if your hood is ducted or ductless.
- Hoods vented to outside will have ductwork, plus a vent on the roof or side of your house.
- Ductless hoods will have a charcoal filter and no external ductwork.
Replace the filters (ducted system)
- Find a small clip or lever under the hood and slide or push to release filter.
- Remove damaged or dirty aluminum filter(s) and discard.
- Click new aluminum filter(s) into place.
- Cleaning the filters is also an option.
Find the charcoal filters (ductless system)
- Remove the aluminum filters to reach the charcoal filters, if applicable.
- For under-cabinet models, there may not be separate filters.
- Find the charcoal filters that must be replaced.
- On my chimney-style hood, these would be round filters attached to the blower motor in the picture above.
- On an under-cabinet style, the charcoal filters might be flat and square.
Replace the charcoal filters (ductless system)
- Twist or pull out the dirty charcoal filters.
- On my chimney-style hood, the filters would be attached to the blower motor with interlocking tabs.
- Twist the filters to unlock, then remove.
- Replace the charcoal filters and put back the aluminum filters, if applicable.