A damaged chain link fence rail can easily be repaired by cutting out the bad section and sliding in a new piece. Learn how from our fence experts.
A damaged chain link fence rail can easily be repaired by cutting out the bad section and sliding in a new piece. Learn how from our fence experts.
When you build a chain link fence, you’re usually prioritizing security over appearance. Chain link doesn’t provide much privacy, but it does an excellent job of keeping pets in the yard and intruders out. Compared to some fences, it’s fairly inexpensive and easy to erect, and the same is true when it comes to fence repair.
Like any type of fence, a chain link fence can get damaged by falling trees or branches — or simply by age — and you can lose all the security the fence is supposed to provide. Your garden becomes a dinner table for marauding deer and your property is vulnerable to trespassers until you fix the damage.
We asked our friends at Premier Fence in St. Paul, Minnesota, to evaluate the damage on this fence and walk us through the repair. Here’s how to proceed.
Tools Required
- Adjustable wrench
- Extension cord
- File
- Hearing protection
- Pliers
- Reciprocating saw
- Safety glasses
Materials Required
- Chain link fence rail
- Galvanized wire ties
Project step-by-step (5)
Get your supplies
Purchase a new section of top rail and some wire ties from a home center or fence supplier. The top rail should have one open end and one crimped end. Grab a hacksaw or reciprocating saw, file and pliers—and a helper.
Prepare the rails for cutting
Start by removing the wire ties that hold the fence fabric to the top rail. Rest the new rail on top of the damaged rail and have your helper hold it in place while you mark a cutting line on the old rail. Then, mark a cut on the opposite end of the new rail where it meets a joint.
Cut the rails
Using a hacksaw or a recipro saw with a metal cutting blade, cut the damaged rail at the cutting line, slide it off the joint and toss it. Then cut the excess off the top rail to mate with the existing joint.
Create some maneuvering room by unbolting the top rail from the corner post and sliding it away from the damaged area.
Cutting guide
Start at an existing rail joint, then cut the replacement section to length.
Install the new rail
Install the larger end of the new rail onto the crimped end of the old rail. Then make the final connection. Reconnect the rail end cap to the corner post.
Find out the cost of installing a chain link fence.
Should I replace a rusty section of a chain link fence?
Chain link is usually coated with vinyl to make it rust-resistant, but no metal fence is completely rust-proof. Small areas of rust aren’t usually a concern — you can even clean off the rust with sandpaper or rust remover — but large areas of rusted fencing compromise the security the fence is supposed to offer, and you should replace them.
How can I prevent future damage to my chain link fence?
There’s plenty you can do to avoid having to do chain link repair:
- Trim vegetation to keep it off the fence.
- Inspect the fence regularly for damage.
- Install a bottom rail to prevent the bottom of the mesh from contacting the ground and rusting.
- Apply a rust-inhibiting sealant to the entire fence every few years or so.
About the Experts
Chris and Wayne work for Premier Fence in St. Paul, Minnesota. Between the two of them, they have more than 27 years of experience installing and repairing wood, aluminum, iron, chain link and vinyl fencing.