Paper-faced corner bead makes taping outside corners a snap



Outside drywall corners have traditionally been protected with nail-on metal corners, but paper-faced corner bead is simpler and resists cracks and chips better. All you need to install it are taping knives and a spray bottle filled with water.
Traditional metal corner drywall bead is tedious and time-consuming to install, and if you don’t cover metal corners with tape, it’s likely to develop cracks along the edges. Luckily there’s an alternative that’s simpler to install than metal corner and won’t crack. If you’re an old-school carpenter, you’ve probably dismissed paper-faced drywall corner bead as an inferior DIY product. But once you try it, you’ll never go back.
You’ll find paper-faced drywall corner beads alongside standard metal corners in home centers and drywall supply stores. It costs a little more, but the wall beading is worth every penny.
Pros use a special hopper to apply joint compound to the corner bead and an expensive rolling tool to embed the bead, but you can get the same benefits using a 3-in. stiff putty knife, a 5- or 6-in. flexible putty knife and a spray bottle filled with water. Here’s how to install paper-faced corner bead, including a few tips to simplify the job and avoid problems.
Tools Required
- Stapler
- Taping knife
- Tin snips
Materials Required
- All-purpose joint compound
- Paper-faced corner bead
Project step-by-step (9)
Cut the drywall paper beading with tin snips
If you need to cut pieces to length, simply hold the wall beading in place, mark the cut, and cut the bead with tin snips. Where pieces run to the floor, cut them about 1/2 in. short. The baseboard will cover the gap.
Mud the corner
Spread a thick layer of all-purpose joint compound on both sides of the corner and smooth it off with a putty knife. Avoid lightweight joint compound because it doesn’t adhere as well to the corner bead. Strive for an even, consistent layer of joint compound about 1/8 in. thick. Don’t leave any thin or dry spots.
Mist the wall beading
Wetting the paper covering on the corner bead helps create a better bond and better adhesion and cuts down on wrinkles. Do this by spritzing the corner wall beading before you stick it to the wall. You don’t have to soak the corner bead; just dampen it a bit.
Position the drywall paper bead
Press the dampened corner bead into the joint compound with your fingers. Run your fingers up and down while pressing evenly on both sides to embed and center the corner bead.
Embed the tape
After positioning the wall beading, wipe and smooth off excess joint compound with a 5- or 6-in. putty knife. Press the edge of the tape with the knife blade to ensure a tight bond with the drywall.
Use staples to align corners
Beads that intersect at corners have to align perfectly where they meet. But without nails to hold them in place, the beads can slide out of position. The solution is to slide the corner bead into alignment with the adjoining bead and hold it in place with a few staples.
Check the corner with your blade
A perfectly positioned corner bead protrudes slightly at the corner to allow a void for joint compound. After you place the drywall paper bead, check for a void by setting your 6-in. putty knife against the corner to make sure there’s a space under it. Check both sides in several places along the length of the corner. Slide the corner in or out to make adjustments. Use staples to hold the corner in place if it won’t stay put.
Scrape away excess mud before it hardens
Scraping dried joint compound from the corner can damage the paper tape. Remove excess joint compound before it hardens. Carefully slide a putty knife along the outside edge to knock off excess joint compound.
Finish up with two more coats of joint compound
After the embedding coat of mud is dry, apply another coat of joint compound and smooth it. Do a final coat after the second coat dries. Sand the corner with 150-grit drywall sandpaper mounted on a drywall sander.
Sand carefully and only enough to blend the joint compound into the drywall and remove high spots. If you sand too much, you’ll damage the paper face on the corner wall beading. If you do sand through the joint compound and create a fuzzy area, cover it with a thin layer of joint compound and resand when it dries.