
1 - 2 hours




Around $40


You've just finished building or buying a porch swing. Now it's time to hang it. Follow this guide to do it right.

Are you ready to elevate your outdoor space and create the perfect spot for backyard relaxation? Look no further than a porch swing! Hanging one may seem daunting, but with our step-by-step guide you’ll have your swing up in no time. Let’s get started!

Tools Required

  • Bolt cutter (to cut the chain)
  • Drill bits
  • Drill/driver
  • Screwdriver or length of pipe

Materials Required

  • 2 - 3/8-in. eyescrews
  • 3/16" welded zinc plated chain
  • 8 - 2-1/4-in. quick links

Project step-by-step (5)

Step 1

Prop the swing

Set the porch swing near the space you’d like to hang it and prop it up so it sits at a comfortable angle. I like to use the arm rests as a guide. If they’re just about parallel with the ground, it should be at a comfortable sitting angle. Don’t worry if it’s not quite right after you hang it; it can be adjusted.

How To Hang A Porch Swing Prop the swing

Step 2

Porch swing chains

Traditionally, front porch swings are fastened on both sides with the chain toward the front of the swing and near the back.

With around three foot of chain, attach each end to these points using a pair of quick links. Then, with the chair still propped up, pull this chain upward and taught without tipping the chair to find its balancing point. Then attach a third quick link. Repeat this on both sides of the swing.

Pro tip: Use the exact same length of chain on both sides. Count how many links are on each side of the third quick link to make sure both sides are hung in the same position.

How To Hang A Porch Swing Porch swing chainsFamily Handyman

Step 3

Porch swing eye bolts

Drill a pilot hole for the 3/8-inch eye screw with a 5/16-inch drill bit. Start the eye screw by hand. Then use a lever, like a screwdriver or length of pipe, through the eye screw to tighten it into the ceiling. Be sure to secure the eye screw into solid framing like a ceiling joist or a beam in a backyard pergola.

How To Hang A Porch Swing Porch swing eye boltsFamily Handyman

Step 4

Hang the swing

Using two longer lengths of chain, connect one end to the third quick link on the lower chain. Now you can hang the swing on the eye screw with another quick link. Adjusting the swing up or down is simple — just remove the chain link from the quick link and hook connect it through a different link in the chain.

How To Hang A Porch Swing Hang the swingFamily Handyman

Step 5

When to call a pro

Safety is the main objective of this project. If you’re unsure of the stability of your porch structure or your ability to execute these steps, please consult a professional.