Fingerprints on your TV? It's easy to clean a TV screen so it's crystal clear without causing any damage.
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Fingerprints on your TV? It's easy to clean a TV screen so it's crystal clear without causing any damage.
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10 minutes
$5 - $10
Fingerprints on your TV? It's easy to clean a TV screen so it's crystal clear without causing any damage.
Have you ever been relaxing on your couch watching the big game or your favorite TV show on our streaming channel, At Home with Family Handyman, but you keep noticing all the fingerprints stuck to the television screen? Yuck!
There’s a right way and a wrong way to clean an LED screen. As tempting as it may be, don’t pick up Windex and a paper towel roll. That’s one thing you should never do to your TV, because that method can damage it significantly.
In general, stay away from window cleaners and soaps, since these products contain chemicals that are too intense and harsh for LED television screens. Don’t use rough or abrasive towels or paper towels, either, because these could scratch the screen. Instead, always go with a microfiber cloth, because it’s softer and will pick up more dust than a paper towel.
There are some very good LED screen cleaners on the market, like Insignia Screen Cleaning Solution, Digital Innovations ScreenDR Pro Screen Cleaning Kit and Whoosh! Spray Cleaner. To save yourself the time and hassle of going to the store, here’s how to make your own LED screen cleaning solution easily at home.
In a clean spray bottle, mix a homemade cleaner of four ounces of distilled water with four ounces of white vinegar. Shake well.
Turn off the TV. Using a clean and dry microfiber cleaning cloth, wipe down the surface of the screen, starting at the top and working your way down. Don’t forget about the corners.
Spray the vinegar mixture on a clean, dry microfiber cloth so it’s damp but not overly saturated.
With the dampened microfiber towel, clean the TV screen, starting from the top and working your way down to the bottom.
Remove any excess moisture with another dry microfiber cloth, paying particular attention to the corners and the bottom of the screen. After that, let the screen air dry for a while. If streaks remain, buff them out with a microfiber towel. Now enjoy fingerprint-free television.
Next, learn how to clean a computer screen and keyboard.