
30 to 90 minutes (including wait times)






Learn how to safely remove mold from wood and prevent regrowth with these simple cleaning tips.

If you’ve found mold on wood surfaces in your home, it’s important to remove it quickly. Left untreated, mold spores can spread and pose serious health risks, especially for those with allergies or asthma.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends professional cleaning for mold areas larger than 10 square feet. However, cleaning smaller areas of mold on wood is a manageable task for most homeowners. Armed with a few household cleaners, protective gear and some know-how, it’s a relatively simple process. However, before cleaning mold from wood, you’ll need to diagnose and fix the source of moisture causing the mold. “All mold needs moisture to live,” Michael Sacenti from American Healthy Homes says. “So you have to fix any moisture issues or the mold will return.”

Keep reading for expert tips on how to kill and clean mold on wood, with advice from Sacenti.

Tools Required

  • Bristle Brush
  • Protective eyewear
  • Spray Bottle

Materials Required

  • 180-grit sandpaper
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Laundry soap
  • N95 mask
  • Protective gloves
  • Rags
  • Vinegar

Project step-by-step (6)

Step 1

Provide ventilation

Air circulation helps dispel mold spores in the air, so always clean mold in a well-ventilated space. In addition, always wear rubber gloves, protective eye wear and an N95 mask to avoid skin, lung and eye irritation.

  • Open windows in the room in which you are working, or even better, run a fan out the window while working.
  • Close the door or block the area off with plastic to contain mold spores.
  • If possible, take molded wood outdoors to clean.

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Step 2

Kill the mold

It’s important to kill mold and mold spores in wood to prevent them from regrowing. White distilled vinegar or hydrogen peroxide can be used to do this. These products permeate the wood surface, killing mold spores that may be lurking deeper within the fibers.

Sacenti recommends against using bleach to kill or clean mold from wood. “Bleach does not kill mold roots in wood and introduces water back to the surface, which can make the problem worse,” he says.

For furniture or finished wood on floors or cabinets, test in a small, inconspicuous area before larger applications.

  • Wearing protective gear, apply white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide with a spray bottle to affected areas.
  • Let sit for 60 minutes.
  • Scrub with a soft bristle brush to remove visible mold.
  • Wipe with a clean rag.
  • Let dry at least 24 hours.

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Step 3

Clean any remaining mold stains

If any mold stains remain once the wood is dry, clean with a mixture of vinegar and laundry soap.

  • In a spray bottle, combine equal parts vinegar and laundry soap.
  • Spray the solution onto mold stains and let sit for 10 minutes.
  • Scrub with a bristle brush.
  • Wipe clean with a damp rag until all soap residue is removed.
  • Let the area dry thoroughly over several days.

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Step 4

Sand to remove stubborn stains

If mold stains still remain on the wood, sand the grain down to remove completely.

  • Using 180 grit sandpaper, sand the wood with the grain.
  • Continue until all signs of mold stains are gone.

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Step 5


Why is it so hard to remove mold from wood?

It’s particularly difficult to remove mold from wood because it can grow deep within wood fibers. Beyond visible surface mold, there could be unseen mold deeper in the surface. Because wood can retain moisture, it also makes it difficult to remove mold once it’s taken hold. If you don’t kill all the spores, mold can continue to regrow if moisture levels remain the same.

How do you prevent wood from developing mold?

“The trick [to prevent wood from developing mold] is to keep humidity or moisture away from wood. If you can keep the wood dry, the chances of mold growth will be dramatically lowered,” Sacenti says.

Let outdoor furniture dry in the sun, quickly repair any plumbing leaks, use bathroom vent fans and run a dehumidifier in your basement or crawl space. “You want to maintain 45 to 50 percent humidity levels in your living space and basement,” Sacenti says, as mold cannot grow in these conditions.

Is there any way to permanently remove mold from wood?

No, mold will return to wood that is exposed to moisture. “Mold spores are constantly looking for organic material to grow on,” Sacenti says. “Then all they need is air and humidity or moisture to grow.” Also, if any mold spores are left behind after cleaning, they will regrow if moisture is reintroduced. “It could go dormant, but if you add humidity it will go right back to growing,” Sacenti says.

Step 6

About the Expert

  • Michael Sacenti owns American Healthy Homes. He has 10 years of experience in the mold remediation industry and 40 years experience in real estate maintenance.