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Think your phone is a hotbed of germs? Imagine what lurks on the case. But don't worry — we've got you covered.

Our phones accompany us everywhere, from the living room to public gyms and transportation. Most of us, myself included, are guilty of not wiping off our phone cases on the regular because we have a million other things racing through our minds.

Truth is, it’s easy to do and doesn’t take much time. We gathered some effective and quick methods for keeping your phone case clean so even the busiest human can fit this into their demanding schedule.

There are many types of phone cases out there, made from plastics, silicones or both. The cleaning methods we used are safe for all.

Now, grab that dirty smartphone case and let’s get started.

Materials Required

  • 70% Rubbing alcohol or alcohol wipes
  • Baking soda
  • Clean toothbrush
  • Clean towel
  • Dish soap
  • Glass measuring cup
  • Microfiber cloth

Watch How To Clean and Disinfect a Phone Case

Project step-by-step (8)

Step 1

How to Disinfect a Phone Case

  • Remove your phone from the case.
  • To disinfect the case, spray rubbing alcohol onto a clean microfiber cleaning cloth and rub the cloth onto the surfaces of the case. Alcohol wipes are also available with the same effectiveness as the alcohol spray. Make sure to cover all areas of the case.
  • Put the phone back into the case.
Step 2

How to Deep Clean a Phone Case

Remove phone case and mix solution

Remove your phone from the case. Fill a glass measuring cup halfway with warm water, then mix in Dawn dish soap and stir with a toothbrush.

How To Clean And Disinfect A Phone Case Remove phone case and mix solutionFamily Handyman

Step 3

Scrub the phone case

With the same toothbrush you used to stir the solution, scrub the entire phone case, working top to bottom so you don’t miss any areas.

How To Clean And Disinfect A Phone Case Scrub the phone caseFamily Handyman

Step 4

Apply baking soda

If you notice any stains on the case, lightly sprinkle baking soda on the area and scrub with the toothbrush.

How To Clean And Disinfect A Phone Case Apply baking sodaFamily Handyman

Step 5

Rinse and dry

Rinse the phone case under water until all the soapy solution is off, then pat dry with clean microfiber towel. To avoid moisture damage, allow the case to air dry completely before putting it back on your phone.

Step 6

Disinfect the phone case

To disinfect, spray rubbing alcohol onto a clean microfiber cloth and wipe over the case. You can also use an alcohol cleaning wipe. Be sure to wipe all areas of the case. As soon as the alcohol spray dries, attach the phone case back to the device.

How To Clean And Disinfect A Phone Case Disinfect the phone caseFamily Handyman

Step 7

How to clean a phone screen

Since we’re talking about cleaning phone cases, here’s a reliable method for cleaning the phone screen:

To remove smudges, fingerprints and other oily residue, gently wipe a dry microfiber cloth up and down the length of the screen. If you need to use water to fully clean the screen, dab the cloth into the water. Do not apply water directly to the digital screen. It’s also a good idea to use filtered or distilled water, since tap water can sometimes leave mineral streaks on your screen.

To disinfect your phone screen, create a mixture of half distilled water and half white vinegar and apply that in the same way.

Step 8


How often should you clean your phone?
Try to deep clean your phone case monthly. You should disinfect your phone and case every day, especially after you’ve been in public areas.

What shouldn’t I use to clean a phone case?
Bleach or other heavy-duty cleaning agents can damage the phone and case. Avoid cloths with rough surfaces as well.

How can I clean a clear phone case?
Use dish soap, warm water and some baking soda. Apply and scrub with a toothbrush.

Next, learn how to clean a computer screen and keyboard.