Here's how to clean an ice maker and change the ice maker filter.

1 hour or less


Don't let dirty ice ruin your refreshments. Learn how to clean an ice maker thoroughly and easily with our easy-to-follow instructions.
Have you ever scooped up some ice from your refrigerator’s ice maker and noticed an unpleasant smell or taste? Well, it’s time to toss that gross ice into the sink and clean your ice maker. This is an easy task that makes a huge difference to the quality of ice you are consuming. Before starting, run to the store and purchase a new refrigerator filter so you don’t have to do this in the middle of the project. Not all refrigerators have filters, but most of them do. If you are not sure where your filter is located, look at your manual of your make/model refrigerator. Take a photo of your old water filter or bring it with you to the store so you don’t accidentally purchase the wrong one.
The ice maker in my refrigerator is located inside the freezer drawer, which doesn’t have an ice dispenser, so I did not have to address that while cleaning. However, If you do have an ice maker dispenser on your refrigerator, the additional step you will need to take is to clean the ice chute with a clean rag saturated with warm, soapy water, rinse, and towel dry. Anything the ice cubes touch needs to be cleaned. According to experts, you should clean your ice maker one-to-two times per year, depending on how much it is used. Having a small household, I do this once a year when spring cleaning my freezer.
Tools Required
- Sponge
Materials Required
- Dish soap
- Refrigerator filter
- Towels/rags
Watch How To Clean an Ice Maker
Project step-by-step (8)
Turn off the ice maker
Raise the metal bar on the ice maker to the up position for “off.”
Remove existing ice
Take the ice bin out and dump the ice into the sink.
Clean ice bin
In the kitchen sink, wash out the ice bin with a sponge and soapy water. Dry with a clean towel.
Clean the interior of the ice maker
Wipe down the ice maker parts with a washcloth saturated with warm water and dish soap, then dry with a clean towel.
Also, don’t forget to explore tips on how to clean your refrigerator.
Reassemble the ice maker bin
Place the ice bin back into its original position.
Replace the ice maker filter
Locate the filter in your refrigerator and replace it with a new one. I took the old filter with me to the store to make sure I didn’t accidentally purchase the wrong one.
Run the ice machine
Turn the ice maker on by moving the metal bar to the low position. Allow the ice maker to run and toss the first couple of batches of ice in the sink to avoid using the old water still in the water lines.
What is safe to use when cleaning an ice maker?
Mild dish soap and water are safe to use. Also, 50/50 white vinegar and water solution is safe. Bleach or other strong cleaner solutions are not safe to use because the harsh chemicals could contaminate the ice.
How do you get mold out of a countertop ice maker?
Mold is often found in places that contain moisture such as ice makers and it’s essential to remove the mold as soon as possible. A safe way of doing this is locating your ice maker’s supply line and pouring white vinegar in the water line, turn on the icemaker and allow it to run with the vinegar flushing through the machine. Mix a 50/50 solution of water and white vinegar into a spray bottle then spray the empty ice bin and scrub clean.
Why is there black stuff in my ice maker?
Small black flakes in the ice are sometimes the charcoal from the water filter in your refrigerator. These small black pieces get into the water line because your filter is overdue for a change, or you recently installed a new water filter.