Tough to see your computer screen through all the smudges and fingerprints? Here's how to rectify that, pronto.

A few minutes


Less than $10
Computers tend to accumulate dust, smudges and debris. Here's how to get yours sparkling clean in just a few minutes.
Digital screens seem to be a magnets for dust, lint and fingerprints. But unlike home appliances, you can’t just douse them with all-purpose cleaner and scrub them clean.
I use my computer almost every day, so smudges and dust are not something I want to look at while I’m trying to work. But I found it only takes a few minutes to make my screen look like new!
Some computer manufacturers recommend special wipes or products to clean your screens, so always double check which works with your specific computer.
If you want to do a deep clean, some types of desktop computers with wired keyboards have keys that can be pried off one at a time (gently) with a letter opener. I didn’t need to do this with my keyboard because it wasn’t that dirty. But if you do decide to go this route, always check with the manufacturer first as well, because if you pry off keys with the wrong keyboard you could destroy it.
Don’t forget to snap a photo before you start removing keys so you know where they go.
Also, learn how to clean a phone case.
Materials Required
- Compressed air
- Cotton swabs
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Microfiber cloth
Watch How to Clean a Computer Screen and Keyboard
Project step-by-step (6)
How to Clean a Computer Screen
Wipe screen with dry microfiber cloth
Turn off the computer to make it easier to see dust and dirt on the screen. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe off any dust on the screen. Don’t forget the bottom corners of the screen, where dust tends to collect.
Wipe screen with damp microfiber cloth
Dampen a clean microfiber cloth with water. Make sure the cloth is damp and not dripping wet. Then wipe off the screen, working top to bottom. Address the stubborn dirty areas and repeat as needed. Allow time for the screen to air dry before using.
How to Clean a Keyboard
Shake out keyboard crumbs
Turn off the keyboard if it’s wireless, or unplug it if it’s wired. Hold the keyboard above a trash bin while tipping it over, then shake out any crumbs and debris.
Use compressed air
Use compressed air to blow out any dust trapped inside the keyboard.
Cleaning keys
If the keys are dirty, clean the keyboard with a 50/50 solution of isopropyl alcohol and water. Dip a cotton swab into the solution so it’s moist but not dripping wet. Then rub the swab on the keys.
Is there anything should I avoid using to clean my computer screen and keyboard?
Yes: Don’t use harsh household cleaning products like bleach. They’re not safe.
Can I use Windex to clean my computer screen?
Generally not. Windex is only safe to use on glass. So unless you have a glass screen, use the products recommended earlier.
Are alcohol wipes safe for computer screens?
Possibly. Check your owner’s manual for information on the type of screen you have, and what the manufacturer recommends for cleaning. If your screen is glossy and made of glass, alcohol wipes should be fine. Avoid alcohol or harsh detergents if you’re unsure what the screen is made of, or if it lacks a glossy finish. These products may damage the screen or its non-glare coating.