This simple landscape gravel path makes your yard more functional and visually appealing.

A day


$100 to $300
Transform your backyard landscaping with our detailed guide to constructing a picture-perfect gravel path with edging.
Numerous areas in your yard would benefit from a gravel pathway, such as leading to your front door, a shed, through a garden, or connecting the front and backyard through the side yard. Gravel paths are less costly and labor-intensive than other options, like creating a brick walkway or pouring concrete. What’s also great is that they can be made as simple or elaborate as you like.
When we were finishing the construction of a gazebo, we had to create a gravel pathway to the new structure. We encountered a unique challenge—we had to cut into existing railroad ties surrounding the gazebo. The homeowner wanted to keep the railroad ties, so once we determined the width of our path, we used a reciprocating saw to cut a gap in them.
Although this situation may not be common, the key takeaway is that thorough preparation before starting a project leads to better results and less stress. I took the time to carefully measure the width and length of the pathway, which allowed me to calculate the amount of gravel, pavers, and paver base required. If you’re unsure about the quantities needed, you can look up the material and find a calculation based on the square footage of your project.
A professional is not required for this project, but digging and lifting heavy bags of material will be involved, so having a friend assist with moving the materials may be helpful.
Tools Required
- 3/8" drill bit
- Cordless drill
- Level
- Mallet
- Rake
- Spade or garden shovel
- Stringline
- Tamper
- Tape measure
- Utility knife
Materials Required
- #9 x 2-1/2 in. Exterior screws
- 2x4 treated ground contact lumber
- 2x6 treated ground contact lumber
- 5/16" x 10" bolts
- Bagged paver base
- Bagged Pea Gravel Pebble Landscape Rock
- Garden staples
- Ground stakes
- Landscape fabric
- Landscape marking paint
- Pavers
- Wheelbarrow
- Work gloves
Project step-by-step (8)
Plan and measure
Use stakes, string, and marking paint to mark the pathway’s outline, ensuring a clear visual guide. Measure the length and width precisely, accounting for any curves or turns. Calculate the total square footage to determine the amount of gravel, landscape fabric, and edging materials you’ll need.
Dig out the path
With a shovel, dig four inches deep in the marked pathway. Use a tape measure to keep checking the depth. Rake over the dirt path to even it out and flatten it with a tamper.
Install landscape fabric
Lay the landscape fabric at one end of the pathway and secure that end with garden staples.
Roll out the rest of the landscape fabric so it covers your path, and secure it with garden staples every 10-in. Once you’ve reached the end, use a utility knife to trim any extra fabric.
Install the gravel path edging
Various types of edging can be used to edge a gravel path, including pavers, metal or plastic flower bed edging. Due to the requirement that the dirt be retained on the high side of the path, we decided to construct our own using treated, ground-contact lumber.
To edge the walkway, we cut 2x6s to the length of the pathway and 2x4s to span it at the beginning and end. We then screwed four 16-in. pieces of 2×4 material flat and flush to the bottom edge at each corner of the 2x6s and drilled a 3/8-inch hole in the center of them to accept the 5/16-in. x 10-in. galvanized carriage bolts that will serve as “stakes. Be sure that the 2x4s at the beginning and end of the path are buried deep enough in the ground to prevent a tripping hazard. Use exterior-rated screws to fasten the pieces together.
Add the paver base
Using a rake, spread a thick layer of paver base over the pathway to a depth of two inches. Keep a tape measure handy to measure the depth continuously.
Use a handheld tamper to compact the paver base by holding it above the area to be compacted and repeatedly striking the ground with the flat base until the surface is compacted. This can be a strenuous and time-consuming process. I would advise renting a plate compactor if you are constructing a large pathway.
Position the stepping stones
Positioning the stepping stones or pavers requires a little math. Generally, the paver base should be covered by two inches of landscaping gravel. However, the gravel level should not exceed the top surface of the pavers so the pavers do not become buried as you walk along the path.
Since our pavers were roughly 3/4 inches thick, we laid down an initial layer of gravel that was 1-1/2 inches thick before we laid our pavers on top of it.
Then, using a tape measure and level, align the pavers and ensure they are flat, spaced equally, and close in height to one another. Adding gravel under the paver may be necessary to raise it to the correct height. Apply downward pressure to the paver edges to eliminate any gaps between it and the ground. For our project, the distance between each paver was 4-1/4 inches, but you may adjust it according to the overall length and size of your pavers and path.
Lay down the gravel
Spread an additional layer of gravel around the pavers, bringing it up to roughly two inches thick. Use your hand to distribute the gravel evenly between each paver and the edging.
How deep does a gravel path need to be?
Typically, you should aim for a total depth of four inches for a gravel path, allowing for two inches of paver base and two inches of gravel.
What size of gravel is best for a walkway?
Use small gravel, 1/4 inch or smaller. This size is preferable as it provides a more comfortable, uniform surface to walk on than larger gravel.