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When hose connection vacuum breakers start to spray water, it's a sign they need replacing. Learn how to fix a leaky hose bib here.

Your outdoor water valve might not be something you think about much, unless you’re watering outside. But if it starts malfunctioning, you’re looking at a high water bill and possibly severe water damage from that leaky hose bib.

The vacuum breaker prevents water from flowing backward into the house, so it’s something you definitely want to have equipped and in good condition. Vacuum breakers are built into newer frost-proof water valves. But many older outdoor spigots are equipped with an “add-on” hose connection vacuum breaker (HCVB) instead.

If water is spraying out it means the rubber gasket inside has failed. The bottom portion of the breaker on the garden hose faucet unscrews, but it’s almost impossible to find replacement gaskets. Instead, you should simply get a new HCBV and replace the while breaker. You can find new HCVBs near the brass valves in the plumbing section at any home center. Simply install the new HCVB yourself and you won’t have to run away from a spritzing hose spigot.

Tools Required

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Cordless drill
  • Drill bit set
  • Nut driver
  • Pipe wrench
  • Slip joint pliers

Materials Required

  • Hose connection vacuum breaker

Project step-by-step (2)

Step 1

Drill out the set screw

The vacuum breaker screws onto the water valve and locks into place with a tamper-proof setscrew. To remove the faulty vacuum breaker, you’ll first have to remove the setscrew(s). Drill a small “starter” hole next to the setscrew. Switch to a larger drill bit and drill at an angle toward the setscrew. The brass is soft, so go slowly and be careful not to drill into the valve threads. Remove the old vacuum breaker.

Drill Out The Set ScrewFamily Handyman

Step 2

Install the new breaker

Next, twist the new breaker into position and tighten the setscrew until the head breaks off. And there you have it; you’ve successfully fixed your leaky hose bib and learned a valuable skill while doing it. Your home is better protected and your water bill should be under control.

Install The New BreakerFamily Handyman