Tried everything? Learn how to increase water pressure with a water pressure booster pump.
Do you have low water pressure even though the pipes are new? There are several possible causes, but if nothing else works, install a water pressure booster at the water meter.
Tools Required
- Adjustable wrench
- Air compressor
- Air hose
- Soldering torch
- Tube cutter
Materials Required
- Copper pipe and fittings
- Flux
- Solder
- Teflon tape
- Water pressure booster
Project step-by-step (5)
Step 1
Test your Water Pressure
- Hook up the pressure gauge to an outside water spigot.
- Turn on the water.
- Read the instant reading.
- Make sure the shutoff valves near the water meter are fully open.
- If the reading is low, the city may be delivering water at a low pressure (less than 40 psi)
- If your house is on city water, ask your local water department for a pressure reading.
- A reading of 45 to 55 psi is ideal.
Step 2
Pressure Booster
- If you have low water pressure, your water department can’t deliver more pressure and you have a 3/4-in. or bigger copper or plastic water main coming into your house, consider installing a water pressure booster.
- Water pressure boosters like the one shown here are available at home centers and online for about $900.
Step 3
Inspect your Pressure-Reducing Valve
- Check for a pressure-reducing valve (PRV) mounted on your water main.
- Most come set from the factory for 50 psi, but you can adjust them up or down by turning a screw on top.
- PRVs can also go bad after 10 to 20 years. So if yours is old, it might be time to replace it.
Step 4
Call City Hall
- Call your local water department to see if there’s a problem with the pressure coming from the street to your house and with the recommended residential water pressure.
- If you get your water from a private well, your well pump might be the cause of your pressure woes.
Step 5
Too MUCH water pressure?
- If your pressure test shows more than 80 psi, make sure you have a working pressure-reducing valve and keep it set between 50 and 60 psi.
- Pressure over 80 psi can cause you to waste water and the energy required to heat it. It can also damage water softeners, water heaters, faucets, appliances and seals.