Pest Control

Keep pests out of your home with DIY tips and advice from professional pest control specialists.

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Best Ways To Prevent Dust On the Job

Keeping dust under control results in clean jobsites and healthy lungs. Here are some great ways you can minimize and...

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This Trick Will Get Rid of Most Insects Around Your Home

Keep insects away with peppermint oil.

Why Do Mice Chew Through Electrical Wires?

They're not trying to be pests. Mice just really love to chew.

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What is a Silverfish?

Despite their creepy appearance, silverfish aren't known to bite or carry any pathogens that cause disease.

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12 DIY Projects to Keep Your House Warm This Winter

Being cold is not cool. Luckily, with our helpful collection of 12 easy projects, you'll have your home ready for...

The 10 Most Dangerous Bugs You Need to Avoid

Watch out for these bugs once you start venturing out in the warmer weather

Ultrasonic Pest Control: Does it Really Work?

Ultrasonic pest control devices repel rodents, insects and wild game. They're also safe for use around pets and small children.

How to Get Rid of Ladybugs

Ladybugs bugging you? Here's everything you need to know about these ubiquitous garden creatures.

What Causes Bed Bugs?

It has nothing to do with dirt or filth. Bed bugs exist because of us, and they're out for blood.

How to Get Rid of Crickets

How to Get Rid of Crickets

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How to Get Rid of a Mouse in a Wall

Mice seek out the darkest spots, such as inside air ducts and wall cavities to set up residence. And where...

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Flying Ants vs. Termites

Flying ants and termites are not the same thing. Here are the differences and what you can do about an...

DIY Termite Control: 13 Must-Know Tips for DIY Termite Control

Termites are active all year-round, so there's no bad time to start preparing your defenses against these wood-chewing pests. There...

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs: A DIY Guide

Bed bugs are terrible to live with and hard to get rid of. Here's how to prevent them from coming...

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How to Get Rid of and Prevent Garden Voles

Voles and moles both dig up your yard, but they’re different in many ways. Here’s what you need to know...

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Here’s How to Keep Mice Out of Your Kitchen

Now that the mouse is out of your kitchen, how do you keep it out for good? These tips will...

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Cleaning Tips to Reduce Household Dust

Studies show that the average six-room home in the United States collects 40 lbs. of dust each year. Sounds impressively...

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The 16 Most Disgusting House Bugs and How To Get Rid of Them

You may be surprised by which of these house bugs are actually helpful and which are downright dangerous. Either way,...

How to Make a Simple DIY Fly Trap

Wonder how to get rid of house flies around your home? Wash a plastic beverage bottle and cut off the...

Millipedes vs. Centipedes: What’s the Difference?

Neither carry disease or cause damage, but that doesn't mean they're welcome in your home.

Homemade Gnat Traps That Actually Work

Gnats can prove particularly annoying once they get inside your house—especially since it can be difficult to notice them until...

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Are Centipedes Poisonous?

They're a common household pest, and there are several species. We've got the answer to "are centipedes poisonous" and other...

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The Best DIY Gnat Trap to Try

Tired of the annoying gnats around your home? Gather a few small jars and pour in 4 tablespoons of apple...

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Do Hedge Apples Really Keep Spiders Out of Your House?

We'll take a look at a popular natural spider repellent and see if it really works. Plus, we'll cover how...

9 Crazy Things Mice Have Done in Homes

Where did all of the dog's food go? And where is that grocery receipt? You'd be surprised at the hoarding...

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How to Keep Squirrels from Eating Pumpkins on Your Porch

How to keep squirrels from eating pumpkin displays.

How to Quickly Get Rid of Spiders In Your Car

Finding yourself with some unwanted eight-legged critters in your car?

10 Favorite Attempts at Preventing Squirrels from Reaching Bird Feeders

Are squirrels cramping your style? Check out the extreme measures people take to keep squirrels away from bird feeders.