Will This Pine-Sol TikTok Hack Really Keep Flies Away From Your Porch?
Use Pine Sol to keep flies away for good (or at least a good while) with this viral TikTok hack.

PIC Insect Killer Torch Review: Is It the Best Bug Zapper? (We Tried It!)
Enhance your backyard ambience and enjoy outdoor activities without being bugged (literally), thanks to the PIC insect killer...

The 10 Most Common Types of Flies in the U.S.
The swatting season is here! We've got the buzz on the types of flies you're likely to encounter this summer.

The 8 Best Fly Traps to Catch the Critters Both Indoors and Out
Forget chasing pesky flies around with an amateur swatter. Keep unwanted buzzers away with the best fly traps around.

What Should You Do if Fly Eggs Hatch in Your House?
A fly expert offers help and advice to keep annoying flies and their eggs out of your home.

Does the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap Work? Tested & Reviewed
We tried this chemical-free flying insect trap to limit the number of irritating mosquito bites we endured. Here's what we...

25 Ways to Organize Your Garage for Fall
Make sure you have enough room in your garage for all of the important stuff (including a car or two)...

Ways to Make Sure You Never Have Fruit Flies Again
It's not just your bananas they're after. Here's why fruit flies are hanging out in your home, and how to...

15 Pest Control Horror Stories That Will Make Your Skin Crawl
Rats and roaches are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the most terrifying pest control stories...

Here’s What to Do if Your Snowblower Won’t Start
When the snow flies, here's what you need to do to get an obstinate snowblower started.

How To Get Rid of Small Flies In Your Bathroom
How can something so tiny be so aggravating? Here's what to do if you have drain flies floating about in...

12 DIY Projects to Keep Your House Warm This Winter
Being cold is not cool. Luckily, with our helpful collection of 12 easy projects, you'll have your home ready for...

How to Make a Simple DIY Fly Trap
Wonder how to get rid of house flies around your home? Wash a plastic beverage bottle and cut off the...

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies
A warm autumn day might cause cluster flies to "bug" you around the house. See how to get rid of...