Get Rid of Bed Bugs ASAP with the 7 Best Bed Bug Sprays
Send bed bugs packing with the best bed bug spray!

Bat Bugs vs. Bed Bugs: What’s the Difference?
How do you know if you have bat bugs or bed bugs? Both are closely related and look alike. We...

How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Hotel
Follow these tips to ensure you don't bring unwanted guests home.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous to People, Pets and Property?
Bed bug bites can be the first sign of infestation. Find out if bed bugs are dangerous and what can...

What to Know About Bed Bugs’ Life Cycle
Often invading homes undetected, learn the life cycle of bed bugs so you can effectively face and fight this persistent...

What Are the Red and Black Bugs on My House?
Boxelder bugs invade homes each year, making them some of the most annoying fall pests. But they aren’t the only...

15 Pest Control Horror Stories That Will Make Your Skin Crawl
Rats and roaches are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the most terrifying pest control stories...

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?
Where do bedbugs come from and what's the best way to get rid of bedbugs? Budbugs are a public health...

What Causes Bed Bugs?
It has nothing to do with dirt or filth. Bed bugs exist because of us, and they're out for blood.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs: A DIY Guide
Bed bugs are terrible to live with and hard to get rid of. Here's how to prevent them from coming...

The 16 Most Disgusting House Bugs and How To Get Rid of Them
You may be surprised by which of these house bugs are actually helpful and which are downright dangerous. Either way,...

This is Where Bugs Hide in Each Area of Your Home
Bugs everywhere? To get rid of bugs, first you have to find them. Use this guide to flush them out...