37 Sensational Fire Pits that Will Let You Soak Up Sunsets
Fire pits come in all shapes and sizes. Check out our 37 favorite fire pits, and be inspired to create...

Finally Build Your Dream Shed
Build your dream shed with easy access, storage galore and a private porch for lounging. Here's how to do it:

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Planting a Tree
Reap rewards from your investment of time and money by planting a tree correctly. Avoid these costly mistakes—all of which...

How To Build a Privacy Patio Screen
Turn your outdoor patio into a secluded, yet comfortably airy relaxation space with an easy-to-build patio screen. Our experts show...

How to Repair a Chain Link Fence
A damaged chain link fence rail can easily be repaired by cutting out the bad section and sliding in a...

Miter Saw Tuneup
If your miter saw isn’t cutting square, the problem is easy to fix. Unplug the saw, loosen the fence bolts,...

The Best Herbs to Grow in a Patio Garden
You don't need a lot of space to grow herbs. In fact, herbs are easy to grow and great candidates...

10 Lawn Care Myths You Really Need To Stop Believing
When to fertilize, when to water, how short to cut the grass. You've surely heard one or more of these...

12 Inspiring DIY Flower Walls
Move over planters and flower beds. This year, everyone wants a living flower wall! Display your favorite flowers and plants...

21 Shed Organization Ideas and Projects You Should Know
Looking for ways to clean up your garden shed mess? We've got the best projects for organizing your shed and...

17 Tips for Tidy Outdoor Storage
Transform your yard with innovative, budget-friendly outdoor storage solutions to keep gardening tools and supplies neatly organized and accessible.

14 Awesome Plans for DIY Patio Furniture
Upgrade your patio with DIY furniture. It may seem daunting to try to build your own furniture but we'll show...

Greenhouse from the Salad Bar
The next time you hit up a salad bar for lunch, save the plastic clamshell container. It can be reused...

Grass Seed Broadcaster
Plastic berry containers have more uses than simply keeping your fruit fresh. The holes in the bottom make them perfect...

10 Tips for Winter Composting
There's no reason to let compost go dormant over the winter. Keeping your compost active year-round offers a range of...

16 Useful Tools for Collecting Leaves
With fall comes of the promise of leaves, clumping up on your grass and matting down on your flowerbeds (even...

10 Ornamental Grasses to Grow in Your Yard
Ornamental grass is beautiful, boisterous and bountiful. They're also easy to grow and pretty much deer- and drought-tolerant. Here are...

Square Foot Gardening
Make the most of your time and space with a smarter way to plant your garden: square foot gardening

Build a License Plate Birdhouse
Personalize a DIY birdhouse with an old license plate, and you’ll have a real one-of-a-kind place for birds to call...

10 Wildflowers That Do Well in Home Gardens
Wildflowers are a good option for the gardener who wants plants to do the "heavy lifting" without a lot of...

11 Sparkling Shrubs for Today’s Yards
Shrubs have come a long way since the days of "blink and you'll miss seeing it bloom" forsythias. Advances in...

What Is the Best Height to Cut Grass?
There is more to a healthy lawn than watering and fertilizing.

How To Kill Weeds With Broadleaf Herbicide
Learn how to mix and apply concentrated broadleaf herbicide to eliminate pesky weeds in the yard.

Everything You Need for a Backyard Movie Theater
An outdoor movie night isn't just for a park or public lawn — you can create a DIY backyard movie...

10 Stone Patio Ideas
Patios are made for relaxing. Trying to find the perfect look for your patio shouldn't be stressful. Here are ten...

Garden Tool Storage Ideas
The right garden tools make gardening easier for sure. But where do you store all those tools? And how do...

How to Replace Deck Boards
Don't build a new deck if all you have to do is replace a few boards.

How To Splice Underground Wire
Make a splice that will last longer than the wire

How To Build a Garden Arbor
Create this stylish, arched DIY garden arbor in only a couple of days. It’s way easier than it looks.