18 Lawn Mysteries Explained (And How to Fix Them)
Get rid of your lawn eyesores with these tips.

31 Tips for Achieving a Lush Lawn This Season
Grow greener grass and be the envy of the neighborhood! Here are 31 tips to help you achieve a lush...

John Deere Easy Change Oil Filter Stops Messy Oil Changes
You can change your lawn tractor oil in 30 seconds with John Deere's Easy Change Oil Filter.

Bring on the Friendly Competition with Amazon’s 8 Best Backyard Games
It's time to take family game night outdoors! The best backyard games are sure to be a hit with all...

6 Common Lawn Problems and Solutions
Real world situations and expert advice and solutions.

How to Prep for Sod Installation
Get your new lawn off to a fresh start in eight simple steps.

Lawn Mowing Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
Cutting grass isn’t just about making it look good; smart mowing means healthier turf.

Find the Best Sprinkler for Your Yard
Whether your lawn is big or small, sunny or shaded, here are the best sprinklers to keep your lawn hydrated...

8 Awesome Lawn Mowing Designs You Should Try
Lawn mowing doesn't always have to be a chore—try making it fun by creating lawn mowing designs! Whether you're in...

How Long Does it Take for Grass Seed to Grow?
There's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to planting grass seed. There are different rules to follow whether you're seeding...

7 Organic Lawn Care Tips to Try This Year
You've decided this is the year to go au naturel—with your lawn care! It'll take a little work and patience,...

How to Get Rid of Snow Mold Safely
As the snow melts away every spring, your lovely lawn is vulnerable to an unsightly fungus.

The Quickest Way to Revive Your Lawn After Winter
Spring is the time for a good, stiff raking to remove thatch—a dead layer of debris that slowly builds up...

How to Clean Up Dog Poop in 8 Easy Ways
Cleaning up dog poop is a chore. Try these pickup and disposal methods to get the job done fast.

Keep Rabbits Away From Your Lawn with These Nifty Tricks
Learn how to protect your lawn from pesky rabbits with effective strategies and natural deterrents. No trapping necessary!

20 Most Common Mistakes People Make with Their Lawn
Maintain your lawn by learning how to avoid common mistakes.

Here’s Why You Need to Leave Grass Clippings On The Lawn
Gathering up those grass clippings has always been an integral part of the lawn care routine. But after looking at...

Better Lawn Mower Traction
Climb hills better with this genius handy hint.

Homeowner’s Guide to a Weed-Free Landscape
Don't let your landscape get overtaken by weeds this season! We've got solutions for banishing even the most troublesome invaders,...

10 Lawn Care Myths You Really Need To Stop Believing
When to fertilize, when to water, how short to cut the grass. You've surely heard one or more of these...

Grass Seed Broadcaster
Plastic berry containers have more uses than simply keeping your fruit fresh. The holes in the bottom make them perfect...

10 Ornamental Grasses to Grow in Your Yard
Ornamental grass is beautiful, boisterous and bountiful. They're also easy to grow and pretty much deer- and drought-tolerant. Here are...

What Is the Best Height to Cut Grass?
There is more to a healthy lawn than watering and fertilizing.

How To Kill Weeds With Broadleaf Herbicide
Learn how to mix and apply concentrated broadleaf herbicide to eliminate pesky weeds in the yard.

Everything You Need for a Backyard Movie Theater
An outdoor movie night isn't just for a park or public lawn — you can create a DIY backyard movie...

13 Tips for Getting Rid of Crabgrass for Good
Follow these tips to defend your turf from crabgrass and be one step closer to having a perfect lawn

Five Easy Ways to Reduce Yard Work
Make yardwork less of a chore with these tips.

11 Tips for a Lush Lawn
Use these tips to have the best lawn in the neighborhood!