Take some time to get your garage in order this winter. Follow these tips to get organized and make sure your garage is ready for winter—it will make winter a whole lot easier.
12 Ways to Keep Your Garage Shipshape During Winter

Rotate Seasonal Items
Before winter even starts take some time to push summer items such as the lawn mower, garden tools and hoses to the back of the garage, and winter items such as shovels and salt to a spot that’s easier to get to. You can also move sports gear such as soccer and basketballs to the back and sleds and skis forward.
Here’s a list of things to store in the garage during winter.

Check the Snowblower
Make sure your snowblower is ready for battle. It’s easier to fix any problems now than it will be when you have 10 inches of fresh snow on the ground and can’t get the snowblower to start! You’ll also need to move it to a spot in the garage where you can easily get it out without moving the car.

Create A Drop Zone For Snow
If you have an attached garage, set up a drop zone near the entrance to your home so you don’t track mud, snow and ice through the house. Set up a spot for boots and items such as wet mittens, scarves, hats and coats. Check out these 12 DIY entryway boot tray ideas.

Keep a Squeegee Handy
Need a squeegee in a hurry? Take a piece of pipe insulation and use a couple cable ties to fasten it to the back of a garden rake. Works like a charm, and you don’t even have to take it off to use the rake.

Set Up Wall Storage
Feel like your garage needs an organizational revamp? Don’t forget to use your garage walls to your advantage. Install racks to hang sports equipment such as skis and sleds, and to keep shovels from falling over.

Check For Temperature Sensitive Liquids
It’s best to not let fluids such as paint, weed killer and wood stain spend the winter in an unheated garage. If you live in an area where it get really cold, consider moving these liquids from the garage to the basement, out of the reach of children and pets, of course.

Seal Cracks
Check for cracks, both inside and outside the garage. Seal any cracks with caulk or expanding foam to prevent pests from taking up residence in the garage over the winter months.

Stay Warm By Adding Insulation
If you spend a lot of time in the garage during the winter, consider installing a heating unit or adding insulation to the space. You can also help keep cold air out by adding some weather stripping to the doors and windows.

Check the Garage Door
Make sure your garage door and opener are running properly. Lubricate moving metal parts and check the door regularly for signs of ice buildup.

Garage Floor Water Dam
Garage floors are puddle prone: springtime floods, melting ice from tires, you name it. You can keep that water away from your tools and toys with a dam made of expanding foam. It sticks, it’s waterproof, and you can walk or drive over it without damaging it. And come summer, it’ll scrape right off.

Add Absorbent Floor Mats
Garage floors can get slippery fast and that’s when injuries happen. Add some non-slip floor mats to areas of the garage floor that see heavy foot traffic to help prevent slips and falls.

Get Ready for Ice and Snow
Make sure you’re stocked up on salt for the sidewalk and driveway, and that your shovels are ready to go. You’ll also want to move ice scrapers to the car. Put all supplies in a place that’s easy to get to. These 10 great snow and ice removal hacks will help you this season.