2024 Halloween Home and Décor Trends

Updated on Oct. 07, 2024

Although many people love decorating for Christmas, others go all out decking the house for Halloween. These tips will help you make your house extra fun and spooky this year.

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Halloween is coming up quickly, and decorating might feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! With a little creativity, or a good eye when shopping, you can have the haunted house of your dreams this holiday season!

Spooky Yard Scene

Sit down with your family and plan a spooky scene for your yard or home. This is a fun way to spend time together and celebrate, and all ages can participate. You can conjure up a haunted forest or cemetery to scare trick-or-treaters.

Ken Schulze/Shutterstock

Deck Out Your Landscaping for Halloween

Use bushes to your advantage. Add eyes or zombie hands. Rake your leaves and fill trash bags that you can decorate.


Skip the Carving and Paint Pumpkins for Your Patch

Not everyone likes carving pumpkins. If you’re in that category, paint your pumpkins with funny faces. Or if you want more of a polished look, give this zigzag pumpkin tutorial a try.


Turn Your Garage Into a Haunted House

If you have kids, are having a party, or want to give trick-or-treaters a little extra scare, create a haunted house in your garage.

Studio Barcelona/Shutterstock

Make Those Pumpkins Last

Pumpkins are an “all fall” decoration. If you want to make your uncarved, unpainted pumpkins and gourds last longer, some suggest a bleach bath.

Make Fun Halloween Costumes

As a break from Halloween decor planning, you and your family can decide on your own Halloween costumes. You can also explore these DIY Halloween duct tape costumes.

Alina Demidenko/Shutterstock

Don’t Forget the Squash!

Although pumpkins are the main Halloween fruit, squash can add vibrant color to your decor inside and out.


Decorate with Dollar Store Finds

Take your kids to your local dollar store and stock up on fun things like window clings, candle holders, etc. to decorate your house. This is also a fun way to decorate your office or workspace!

Get Spooky with Spider Webs

Spider web decor is inexpensive and fun. Drape your bushes and front door with webs and incorporate them into your home decor. Get plastic spider rings that easily attach to complete the look. Next, check out these easy Halloween door decoration ideas.

Get Ghoulish this Halloween

A favorite cute and easy decoration idea for parties or trick-or-treaters is to have ghosts floating about. You can get helium balloons and cover them with a white cloth or snatch up one like this!

Syda Productions/Shutterstock

Decorate Balloons

Stock up on orange, white, and black balloons and some Sharpie markers. Decorate the balloons with scary faces for a fun and fast decoration idea!

Olena Antonenko/Shutterstock

Be Festive with Flowers

Okay, so this is scary, but flowers always give your home a welcoming vibe. You can even use a pumpkin or plastic skull for a vase.

Burhan Bunardi/Shutterstock

Create a Coffin

Nothing spooks partygoers or trick-or-treaters like a coffin. You can build one yourself out of wood or heavy cardboard, or you can even buy a kit! Just be sure to make it big enough to hide in so you can pop out and scare people.

Javier Brosch/Shutterstock

Let Your Pets Play a Part

Consider dressing up your pet to complement your Halloween decor. Make sure to consider their safety when choosing a costume. Remember, if they don’t like it, don’t make them wear it!

Ina Fischer/Shutterstock

Scary Halloween Piñatas

Paper mache goblins, monsters and mummies make classic Halloween piñatas. No time for DIY? You can buy one if you prefer!


Aliens Are Scary too!

Why should typical Halloween monsters have all the fun? Have a UFO theme this Halloween! You can even create an alien landing pad in your yard!

Make Use of What You Have

You can repurpose old wood pallets to make a scary graveyard or empty cans to make lanterns. Check out your scrap bins for miscellaneous materials that would make cool decor this Halloween.

Obsessed Agency/Shutterstock

Give It Some Glitter

This is the perfect holiday to add some glitter to your decor. Buy a plain skull and use spray glue and glitter to make it glitzy!

Scott L. Williams/Shutterstock

Break Out the Brooms

You might have an old broom in the garage or you can buy one that really looks like it belongs to a witch! Strategically placed, brooms can give the impression that a coven has descended on your home.

Burhan Bunardi/shutterstock

Stage Skeletons for Halloween

This time of year you can find skeletons at every store selling decor. Stage them around your house, chatting on the phone, sitting at the table or even hanging out on the front porch. Interested in eerie stories?

Get Crafty with your Windows

The windows are the eyes to your house. No, seriously, you can make them look like eyes! This is a great way to make your house look like it’s filled with monsters without having spend money on, and find storage space for, a whole cast.