Learn about the Danish concept of 'hygge,' and how can you introduce it into your home. We've got several suggestions for you.

Add Hygge Style to Your Home With These Simple Tips

Light Candles
One of the quickest and most surefire ways to ignite the spirit of hygge in your house is to light a few candles. Be it jars of scented candles or simple tealights, these flickering flames will instantly make your space feel a little warmer and a little cozier. Any time of day is appropriate: morning, afternoon, or night. So keep those candles and a box of matches in good supply.

Blankets and Sweaters
Having a few quality knit or fleece throw blankets around the house invites you to snuggle in and make yourself at home. A great sweater can do the trick, too. If you’ve got multiple blankets, toss one over the back of a chair and another across the arm of the couch. Wrapping yourself up signals that you’re settling in for some serious relaxation and maybe a long conversation, board game, or good book.

Aroma of Baking
There’s nothing quite like the smell of bread, cookies, or biscuits baking and filling the house with a delicious aroma. A wafting hint of spiced cookies carries with it the promise of a snack, which is very hygge. So, dig through your cookbook collection and mark the recipes you’ll use when you’re infusing your kitchen with tantalizing smells. Also, keeping a cookie jar full of treats on the counter isn’t a bad idea either.

Coffee, Tea, Cocoa
A cup of something hot goes a long way when it comes to relaxing and feeling at home. A very hygge gathering would probably include a pot of rich coffee with some cream, an herbal tea, or a mug of sweet cocoa. Keep a selection of hot drink options on hand, but don’t stress over the presentation. Hygge is meant to be stress-free and enjoying what you have in the moment.

Nostalgia on Display
Decorate your space with possessions that mean something to you, that tell a story or revive happy memories. A hygge-centric design inside your living room might include framed drawings or cards, a dried bouquet of flowers, knick-knacks from travels abroad, or found objects on display. Show off the things that matter to you, and you’ll always have that feeling of contentedness at home.

Put a Record On
Music can go a long way toward setting a cozy mood in your home. If you have a record player, take the time to choose a record that fills the room with something you and everyone else enjoy. Don’t have a record player? Don’t sweat it; just pick out some tunes you love on your sound system and create that cozy sonic feeling, whatever that happens to be for you.

Declutter Your Space
Hygge is all about enjoying the moment, relishing togetherness, and feeling at ease. If you’re like most people, a messy home can provoke feelings of stress and agitation. Avoid those negative vibes by keeping your space in order.

Turn Off Your Smartphone
One of the biggest deterrents to creating a feeling of hygge in this day and age is the prevalence of smartphones. The temptation to constantly check your phone for email, text messages, or anything else prevents you from enjoying where you are and the people you’re with. To really have that concept of hygge in your home, try instituting a rule about a timeframe when people can take a break from their smartphones and other devices.

Prepare a Home-Cooked Meal
Hosting a dinner at home is a very hygge way to have a good time. You can wear your slippers as you prepare something for your guests to enjoy. It doesn’t have to be a fancy meal. In fact, the more low-key you can make the evening, the better. Hygge is all about conviviality at home, good conversation, and a warm, no-frills sense of hospitality. So, if you decide to have friends over for dinner, don’t overthink it. Serve something simple to make, light a few candles, and settle in for a relaxing evening.

Comfy Furniture
A great couch or armchair with a footrest beckons you to have a seat. Having a comfortable array of seats in your house promotes a healthy hygge feeling, and ensures that you and anyone else will find a nice place to perch for a while. Try adding some throw pillows on the couch, or seat cushions to your dining room chairs to add to that feeling of comfort.