No one ever expects to get robbed, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to be prepared. Your home is actually full of secret hiding spots thieves will never look.
50 Secret Hiding Places for Valuables in Your Home

Which Paint Can Contains the Gold?

False-Bottom Drawer

Fake Plumbing Pipes

Slit Open a Tennis Ball

Kitchen Cabinet Cache

Not IN the Drawer
Drawers don’t go all the way to the back of a cabinet, and there’s typically a little space on the underside too. Put cash or important papers in an enve- lope and tape them to the back or underside of a drawer. Plus: Watch this video to learn how to make a secret hiding place out of a stack of old books.

Right Out in the Open

Cabinet Hidey-Hole
Between almost every pair of upper cabinets, there's a 1/2-in. gap. Take advantage of that gap by hanging a manila envelope containing, oh, I don't know, about two grand in hundred-dollar bills? Hang the cash with binder clips that are too wide to fall through the crack.

This Outlet Isn't What it Seems

A Shelf with a Secret

Air-Return Stash
Cut out a stud space opening to fit a return air grille. Cut off the grille screws and glue just the heads in place. Run four drywall screws into the corners of the opening so they fit just inside the rim of the grille. Then glue rare earth magnets to the back of the grille so they line up with the screw heads.

Time Well Spent
Store a few small items in a wall or mantel clock, as long as the clock itself isn’t worth stealing! Tape them to the back or put them in any open cavities. Steer clear of these hiding places, because that’s where burglars always look first!

Sneaker Subterfuge

False Stair Tread
It takes some effort, but if you can, free a tread from your stairs. Then attach a piano hinge to the back. It'll be almost invisible and you'll have a good place to stash valuables.

Buried Treasure

Hidden Safe Pillow

Slip a Box Inside a Box
Store a container of valuables inside a larger bin full of unappealing stuff. Label it accordingly.

Family Album

Key Magnet

“Litterally” Buried
Put small containers of valuables in a tub of cat litter (unused!) and then pour the cat litter back into the tub.

Kid's Room Hideaway
No burglar worth his salt looks in a kid's room for valuables. It's just full of useless junk. So find somewhere in there where the kid won't find it either.

Who'd Suspect an Ironing Board?

Curtain Pocket

Good Venting Is Key
Stick a magnet to a spare house key using hot glue, and tuck the key up out of sight inside the dryer vent hood. If your vent hood is aluminum or plastic, glue a magnet to the inside of the hood as well as the key. If you hide your keys in these spots, you’ll likely get robbed.

Secret in the Ceiling

Toe-Kick Hideaway

Stow a Key in Your Yard

Sitting Pretty
Dining chairs often have space under the seat for a drop-down hinged panel.

Garage Door Opener Shroud

Hide a Key in the Keypad

Counterfeit Containers

It’s Magic, All Right
Pop the end cap off a marker and remove the ink cartridge. Just right for a spare roll of cash. Want more?

The Appliance Caper
Fridges and dishwashers have a snap-off grille in the front. Well, there's a lot of secret storage space under there. Ask yourself this: How many burglars will be thinking about cleaning your refrigerator coils? But before you stuff treasures under a fridge, take a peek to see where the coils are. On some models, a stack of cash might block the airflow. That will make the fridge work harder and could even damage it.
Want to make it even harder for thieves to find your belongings? Creating a hidden dishwasher spot and then hiding your belongings may do the trick!

Tissue Cover-Up

Spare Tire
Pick up a spare wheelbarrow wheel and tire (about $20 at a home center). Deflate the tire, tuck in your goods and reinflate it. Plus: Check out these 13 inexpensive ways to theft-proof your home.

Pocket Change
How many thieves are going to go through the dozens of pockets in your closet? Put cash in the pockets of your old pants and suit coats. Just be sure the clothes don't get donated!

A Safe-Safe

Password Protection

A Roll in the Roll
Take apart the spring bar that holds your toilet paper. Roll up a stack of bills, stash them inside and reassemble the bar.

The Old Hollowed-Out-Book Trick

Oversized Art Storage

Hole in the Door

Secret Cash Stash
Keep some emergency cash rolled up in a clean, empty sunblock tube. Tuck it in a drawer or medicine cabinet where you can easily grab it when you need it. Don’t forget about the garage! Learn how to secure your garage and prevent theft.

Hide a Key In Plain Sight

Hide a Safe in the Wall or Floor

Don’t Kick This Ball!
A soccer ball makes a perfect spot for little items. Let some air out of the ball and cut one of the seams using a utility knife. After inserting your items, tuck the seam back into place.

False Top (or Bottom)
When you build a piece of furniture, build in a stash spot. For example, when you assemble a dresser, put a piece of 1/4-in. plywood just above the top drawers and install a piano hinge on the top. Now you have a spot to hide precious items.

Key House
An unoccupied birdhouse makes a handy spot for a spare key. Screen off the bird entrance to keep out tenants.

Hidden Bookcase Storage