8 Small Cabin Ideas for Off-Grid Living

Updated on Sep. 24, 2024

Enjoy modern luxuries while living a more secluded lifestyle with these off-grid small cabin ideas.

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Fhm Log Cabin Courtesy Fishinghideaway Instagram
courtesy @fishinghideaway/instagram

Classic Log Cabin

Solar panels power this classic log cabin, The Shank Wood Cabin from @fishinghideaway. Built with hand-scraped and locally sourced timber, it features wood-burning stoves for heating the interior and the outdoor hot tub, proving you don’t have to sacrifice luxuries to live off-grid.

If you already own one, here are some useful tips on cleaning log cabin exterior. You can also curate a shoreline landscape design for your cabin!

Tiny House Kitchen
courtesy @offgridartstudio/instagram

Utilitarian Chic Kitchen

This quaint little cabin by @offgridartstudio, available for rent through Airbnb, features solar power and a nearby composting toilet. The kitchen is basic and functional, but the exposed copper pipes and tongue-and-groove cabinets make it stylishly utilitarian. Notice the chic cabinet handles, fashioned with tree branches from the woods surrounding the cabin.

Cozy Cabin
courtesy @taaylor_rohne/instagram

Warm and Cozy

Living off-grid can be challenging in cold weather. This cabin from @taaylor_rohner is in Alaska, where temperatures can drop way below zero. The wood-burning stove keeps it cozy most the time. But when long nights demand extra warmth, it’s got diesel and wall-mounted propane heaters at the ready.

If you’re facing heating issues at your own home in the woods, you can modernize your cabins with the best off grid power systems and the best off grid water options.

Hot Water Solutions
courtesy @lifewithlaceypark/instagram

Hot Water Solutions

There are plenty of off-grid water systems to supply your cabin, but @lifewithlaceypark decided to keep it simple. After pumping water from a nearby community well, she heats this charming kitchen with a wood stove. The big pot and kettle hold hot water for washing, eating and drinking.

Solar cells on a hut at Maligne Lake in Jasper National Park,Alberta,Canada,North America
Karel Stipek/Getty Images

Solar Power

Solar panel systems power most off-grid cabins. The panels absorb energy from the sun to create electricity, and battery bank stores some of that energy for later use. Installation tip: South-facing solar panels soak up the most sunshine during the year.

An off grid log cabin in the forest, locally known as a Bothy.
Stuart Wrightson/Getty Images

Sustainable Insulation

In Scotland, a small hut or cottage is called a bothy. This secluded, modern off-grid bothy is a live-and-work space for artists. The solar-powered structure features sheep’s wool insulation and heat from a wood-burning stove.

Sheep’s wool might sound like a surprising choice for insulation, but the benefits speak for themselves. It’s sustainable, locally grown, breathable and user-friendly. It’s also fireproof and dampens sound.

 Outdoor Shower
Courtesy @Thehillsidemarket/Instagram

DIY Shower House

Yes, you can still enjoy a relaxing hot shower even while living off-grid. One option is a shower house like this one from @thehillsidemarket. (You can build your own with plans from her shop.) It requires a tote of water, propane tank and a battery. With just a few simple steps, you can shower while surrounded by nature.

Tiny Home
via merchant

Off-Grid Tiny House

Most off-grid cabins are small because smaller structures are easier to power. For this off-grid tiny house, purchase an instant download from @ElevatedSpacesShop that includes blueprints, a materials list, cut list and digital album with helpful photos and videos of the construction process.

The completed sleek, modern 380 square foot cabin offers an airy open layout and overhead loft bedroom.