7 Tips To Set and Nail Deck Boards Perfectly

Deck Board Spacing with Chalk
Measure an equal distance from each end of the deck, allowing for an overhang (if desired), and snap a chalk line as a guide for the first row of decking. Align the first row with the chalk line and nail or screw the boards to the joists.
Then, use spacers at each joist to keep the gap between boards consistent and to keep the boards running straight. Sixteen-penny nails are about the right size for spacing between deck boards. But sight down your boards occasionally as well. You can easily spot when a board is off.

Straighten Crooked Boards With a Chisel, Clamp or Nail
Most deck boards are relatively straight and easy to lay, but there are always a few that need a little extra coaxing. Start on one end of bent boards and straighten them as you nail or screw them to each consecutive joist. Position the board so it bends away from installing decking. Then, pull or push the bent end against the spacers as you work down the length of the board. Occasionally, you’ll run into boards that are too crooked to bend easily by hand.

Plan Ahead for the Last Board
The last board won’t look good if it’s skinny or cut at an angle. In most cases, it’s best to start with a full board on the outside edge of the deck and work toward the house so the odd board is less visible. Then measure when you’re 4 to 5 feet away from the house and adjust the gap sizes to be sure the last board is a consistent width.

Predrill Screws and Blunt Nailheads to Prevent Splitting
Drill pilot holes for screws at board ends so the wood doesn’t split later. Start the holes about 1/2 inch from the end of the board.

Choosing the Right Screw Size
Should you use screws or nails for a deck? Screws are notorious for splitting deck boards. They tend to push the wood fibers apart rather than tear through them like nails. Even boards that look good initially can get little “cat’s-eye” splits later as the wood dries. If you plan to use screws, try these solutions. Look for screws with self-drilling points. This type of screw does a pretty good job of drilling through rather than splitting the wood.
Even with drill-point screws, I’d recommend predrilling the ends of boards, which are prone to splitting. If you’re willing to devote the time, you’ll find that predrilling decking for all of the screws will result in a top-notch job with zero splitting. For best results, choose a bit size that allows the screw threads to slide through the hole without catching.
Even nails can cause splitting, especially near the ends of boards. Avoid this problem by predrilling a hole the size of the nail shank. Another trick is to blunt the tip of the nail with your hammer before pounding it in. “Splitless” ring-shank nails work well but can bend and break, especially near knots.

Cut the Ends All at Once for a Crisp, Straight Edge
Cutting the ends of deck boards as you go not only takes longer, but it’s harder to get a crisp, straight line. A better approach is to let the deck boards run wild, as shown in the photo above. Then screw a straight board to the deck as a saw guide and cut all the boards at once.
Since you can’t saw right up to a wall or other obstruction, make sure to precut these boards to the right length first. Even if I use a straightedge guide, I like to snap a chalk line as an extra precaution. That way, if the guide is positioned incorrectly, you’ll notice the mistake before it’s too late.
Screw down both ends of your straightedge after marking the decking. Then, measure the distance from the line to the straightedge in the center to ensure it’s the same as the end measurements. If necessary, bend the guide board until the measurement is the same and screw down the center. Run your saw along the straightedge to cut off the boards.

Avoid Ugly Hammer Marks
Nails are easier to drive if you take a full swing. But the downside is that if you miss the nailhead, you’ll leave a deep “elephant track” in the decking. Use a 1/4-in. plywood cushion to protect the deck boards in case you miss with a hammer. It lets you concentrate on nailing without worrying about denting the deck boards.