Using fewer chemicals around the home and replacing them with more natural options, like essential oils, is a trend worth following. Here are 12 ways to use essential oils around your home.
12 Safe, Smart Ways to Use Essential Oils Around Your Home

Essential oils are so popular that many grocery and discount stores now stock them! If you’re new to essential oils, a “starter kit” like this is a good idea.

Use several drops of pure lemon essential oil on a rag to remove permanent marker from surfaces around the house. You may need to apply a little pressure while rubbing out the mark. As always, it’s a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous area first. Here’s a list of 10 more ways to remove accidental permanent marker.

Add a few drops of sweet orange essential oil to remove gum from carpet and hair. This can also be used to get rid of stubborn sticky residue left over from labels.

Many people have a problem with mice trying to come in and make themselves at home when temperatures begin to drop. To discourage mice from entering your home, apply several drops of straight, undiluted peppermint oil to cotton balls and place them where you suspect the critters are entering your home. They do not like the smell and this simple solution will usually keep them from entering. If mice have already entered your house, here are the all-time best ways to trap them.

More Lemon
Do you love to cook fish, but hate the smell? Get rid of lingering fish odor by diffusing lemon essential oil or add several drops to a sprayer filled with water and spray throughout the kitchen after cooking. Here’s more on how to banish odors in your house.

Many people suffer from bouts of insomnia. When this happens, try placing a drop or two of lavender essential oil on the underside or in the corners of your pillow to help promote a sound night’s sleep. Here are a few things that can happen if you sleep on an old mattress.

More Lavender
You can also use essential oil to help keep carpet and rugs smelling clean and fresh. Add 12 drops of lavender essential oil to one ounce of baking soda. Simply mix and sprinkle on the carpet, let sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum up! Make your carpet last longer with these cleaning tips.

Tea Tree and Lavender
To keep germs and odors off of household surfaces, yoga mats or gym bags, fill a small spray bottle with water and add a few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oils. Simply spray down and let dry! You should probably check out this list of the 22 germiest things in your home.

Lemon Luster
Add a few drops of lemon essential oil in your dishwasher soap dispenser and you will have dishes that sparkle. If your dishwasher isn’t getting your dishes clean, here’s how to fix it.

Fresh Footwear
Are stinky shoes, boots or hockey skates smelling up your entryway? Place a couple drops of your favorite essential oil on two cotton balls. Place one in each shoe, boot or skate and leave overnight. The smell will be gone! Check out this clever shoe organizer you can make.

Fresh Filters
When you change the furnace filters in your home, place a few drops of your favorite scented essential oil on the new filter. This simple furnace trick will kill microbes within the ducts as well as deliver a great smell throughout the whole house.

First Aid
Keep essential oils in your first aid kit! Birch, eucalyptus and peppermint can all be used as a local anesthetic. Also, tea tree oil can sterilize cuts, soothe poison ivy and take the itch out of bug bites. Do you know about this plant that is so much worse than poison ivy?

Fend Off Fruit Flies
Persistent little fruit flies can be a huge pain, but getting rid of them doesn’t have to be! Fruit flies strongly dislike the smell of many essential oils. Peppermint, eucalyptus, lemongrass and lavender oils can all be used to deter these annoying creatures. Place several drops of one of these essential oils on a cotton ball and hide in any room where you’ve seen the bugs. You can also dip tea bags in the essential oils and hang them throughout your kitchen. It will keep the fruit flies away and make your kitchen smell great! Here are more tips on getting rid of fruit flies.

Proper Storage
Remember to always store your essential oil bottles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Check out these 12 simple hacks for organizing your whole house.

Exercise Caution
Keep in mind that not all essential oils are safe for everyone to use. If you are pregnant or nursing or have a health condition, be cautious and check with your heath care provider before using essential oils.
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