Reader Corey Hosick built the ultimate DIY dog house for his two German Shepard dogs. It's equipped with so many bells and whistles for his fur babies. Check out all of the great photos from Corey!
Reader Project: How to Build the Ultimate DIY Dog House

DIY Dog House
Lexi-Lou and Ranger-Roo are Corey Hosick’s German Shepard fur babies. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them. So he built them the ultimate DIY dog house shelter to not only protect them from the elements but to provide the creature comforts of home. Here is his process of building a DIY doghouse.

How to Build a Doghouse with a Porch
The frame of the DIY dog house is made from two 4w9 I beams crossed with 3×5-in. and 2×2-in. square tubing with brackets I made to then tie in the wood for the build up.  Using old scraps was challenging on some levels due to warped boards. I then used 4 PT 4×4’s for the uprights and then jointed my horizontal beams to fit on top of my four posts.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
Next, I added the decking for the front porch.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
I built the walls from split 2×4’s, and I installed the windows. The siding was done with cedar fence boards. Let your furry friend peep outside with this dog fence window.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
I built standard trusses for the roof.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
For the sheathing, I used old shiplap from my remodel project in my 118-year old Victorian house.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
The DIY dog house is insulated, floors and walls, with R-13 insulation.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
Here is the front entrance to the DIY dog house.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
I originally put the house on wheels, but once it was time to move the house to a permanent location, the wheels failed in the soft dirt. I then used my Bosch laser level to set and level the cinderblock foundation. That house is probably the most level house in town!

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
There is running water to fill a stainless steel automatic water bowl. I didn’t think I would have liked the look of PEX or PVC in view front the front porch, so I improvised with a classic copper method. It was my first time sweating a copper pipe and I am proud to say, no leaks the first time around!

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
I put a Chow Hound automatic dog feeder on the side of the doghouse. Here are a few tips for building an automatic dog feeder.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
Venting was added to the back of the DIY dog house.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
The house features a 70-ft. 12/3 extension cord to an exterior single-gang box with an exterior toggle switch that is the main switch for the house, which more or less controls the porch light. It also has an additional switch for the two interior lights.

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
Finally, the completed project!

How to Build a Dog House with a Porch
Ranger-Roo and Lex-Lou enjoying the comforts of their new home.