11 Painting Secrets from Our Expert Readers

Published on Mar. 11, 2025

We asked for real-world painting pointers—and got hundreds of great tips from our Field Editors. Here are some of our favorites.

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Get Better Painting Results

Improving your painting results often comes down to mastering a few simple techniques and tips. Small adjustments to your process can make a big difference, from preventing spills and keeping tools in top shape to achieving smoother finishes. With a little extra care and creativity, you can streamline your painting projects and achieve more professional-looking results with less effort.

Whether you’re a novice or experienced painter, these tips can help you work more efficiently and effectively

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punching holes through the groove of the can's rim

No More Splashy Paint Can Lids

Ever hammer down a paint can lid only to have paint splatter everywhere? You can prevent that by grabbing a 5-in-1 tool and using the pointy end to punch a few holes through the groove of the can’s rim (be sure to rotate the tool left and right a little to widen the holes). The holes allow excess paint to drain back into the can. The lid will cover the holes and make an airtight seal. If you don’t have a 5-in-1 tool handy, you can punch some holes with a hammer and nail. — Larry Gusman

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Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors Preserve a Brush With a Glove

Preserve a Brush With a Glove

I like to wear disposable nitrile gloves when I’m painting. They not only keep my hands clean but also keep my brush from drying out whenever I take a break. I simply grab the bristles with my gloved hand and then pull the glove over the wet bristles. A twist tie around the handle keeps the air out. — Ned Webb

Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors Preserve a Brush With a Glove

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push broom handle

A Push Broom Handle Reaches New Heights

You can spend $10 to $70 on an adjustable extension pole for rolling paint in high places. But if adjustability isn’t important or you just want to save a few bucks, try a push broom handle. Most fit perfectly on a paint roller. Long handles are also great for yard tools. — Dave Moran.

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Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors Slap It On, Then Smooth It Out

Slap It On, Then Smooth It Out

When painting trim or other woodwork with a brush, I’ve found it’s best to load my brush with paint and then lay it on heavily in small sections using short, quick strokes—just to get enough paint on the trim to work with. I then blend the paint into the section I painted before and smooth it all out using long finishing strokes in one direction. — Greg Scholl.

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Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors Brush Bristle Saver

Brush Bristle Saver

Without something to hold them in place, paintbrush bristles will curl or splay as they dry. The best way to store them is in the cardboard wrappers that they came in. They’re not just packaging; they maintain the shape of the bristles as the brush dries after cleaning. If you’ve already thrown your brush wrappers away, use paper and a rubber band instead. — Andy Benke.

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cardboard under paint cans to protect floors

Cardboard Protects Floors Best

I don’t like drop cloths. They’re usually too big, slippery, clumsy and just downright messy—especially when I need to move them around while they’re still covered in wet paint. That’s why I prefer cardboard. I set it tight to the wall and slide it with my foot as I work my way around the room. — Beckie Boggs

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Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors No-Maintenance Paint Tray

No-Maintenance Paint Tray

Don’t bother cleaning or putting liners in your paint trays. Just pour any excess paint back into the can and let the paint in the tray dry completely before using it again. I have paint trays with a 1/8-in.-thick paint buildup in them. I like them better than clean trays because they’re a little heavier and don’t slide around when I’m loading the roller. — Mac Wentz

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sanding a wall

2/3 Prep, 1/3 Painting

A good prep job often takes more time than painting, but it pays off. The more time you spend prepping a room for new paint, the better your finished paint job will look. Washing, patching, sanding and vacuuming walls, ceilings, trim and doors before you pick up a brush or roller are time well spent. If you don’t take care of small imperfections now, they’ll stick out like a sore thumb once the paint goes on. — Arthur Barfield

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man painting ceiling

Do the Ceiling, Then the Walls

Before painting any walls, take a good look at your ceiling. If you think it needs refreshing, paint it first. You don’t want to paint the walls and then—in a couple of weeks or years—do the ceiling. Rolling the ceiling drops a fine mist of paint onto everything below. Painting the ceiling first also allows you to be less fussy along walls. Any paint that gets slopped onto walls will get covered up later when you paint them. — Patrick Morrissey

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Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors Skip Brush Cleaning Between Coats

Skip Brush Cleaning Between Coats

Whenever I take a break from painting or if I’m done for the day, I toss my brushes into a 5-gallon bucket of clean water to keep them from drying out (make sure all the brushes have the same color paint on them). Then, when I’m ready to start painting again, I swish the brushes around in the water and spin the excess out with a paintbrush-and-roller spinner. Do the spinning inside a second empty bucket to protect surrounding walls from flying water drops. — Ann Wisnoski

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Painting Hacks From Expert Field Editors An Egg-Cellent Painting Tip

An Egg-Cellent Painting Tip

Whenever I need to paint something small like a picture frame and want to raise it off the table a bit to paint the edges, I break out these handy egg cartons. I just cut a couple in half and use them to support the frame’s edges. I can reuse them several times or just throw them away when I’m done. — Nancy Luptowski