They may not be as glamorous as a kitchen remodel or new deck, but these are the most common DIY projects for new homeowners.
The 10 Most Popular Home Repairs for New Homeowners

Garbage Disposal
Nearly every homeowner can anticipate a garbage disposal repair at some point and it remains one of the most common problems new homeowners face. Whether you already own a home or are thinking about buying a home, make sure you check out how to replace a garbage disposal so you can save some cash. See how to prevent future problems by never throwing these 15 things down your garbage disposal.

Leaky Faucet
After spending a bundle on your new home, the last thing you’re going to want to do is drop a bunch of loot on every little problem that crops up. A faucet that starts leaking and dripping constantly is going to drive you nuts but don’t make it cost you money. Here’s how you can fix a leaky faucet for less than $20.

Running Toilet
Toilet repair really isn’t as complicated as you might think. But it’s important to do it the right way because a cheap fix can end up costing you more in the long run, like in any of these 100 plumbing goofs. So here’s how to fix a running toilet the right way.

Peeling Siding Paint/Cracked Siding
You might want to call a someone to fix your cracked or peeling siding but you might be surprised all it could take is a $5 tool. It’s a common repair task for new homeowners who want their home to always look perfect right away after they buy it.

Nail Pops
Nails will pop out in homes as wood studs shrink and they leave your walls looking unsightly. However, fixing popped nails is fairly simple even if repairing drywall seems daunting.

Cracked Concrete
Cracked concrete is not only an eyesore, it can also be a safety issue, like one of these 39 home repairs you need to make before someone gets hurt. If you’ve got cracked concrete in your garage or basement, then check out these tips on how to repair it.

Drywall Patching
Getting used to a new house takes some time and occasionally a door knob will swing through the drywall. New homeowners can figure out a fix on their own with these tips.

Bathroom Caulking
Eventually every bathroom is going to need new caulk and for new homeowners it could be something they don’t catch on the walk-through. So, don’t fret. Everyone can caulk a bathroom after reading our how-to caulking guide. Some day new homeowners might consider a bathroom remodel project. Here’s what you need to know in order to plan for a successful home remodel.

Clogged Drains
Some new homeowners may not have had to deal with clogged drains in the past because they rented. Well, when you own, there’s no one to call other than a pro if you don’t want to handle the job yourself. But dealing with a clogged drain can be pretty simple with these tips. Just make sure you never pour these things down the drain.

Leaky Pipe
A leaky pipe can make a homeowner shudder at the thought of the repair cost but there are things you can do to fix a copper pipe yourself. And we can help you find hidden leaks with these tips.