Mini blinds provide privacy, block the sun and usually work perfectly for years. Here are our best tips and fixes for mini blinds that could use a little TLC.

Mini Blind Maintenance: Tips and Fixes That Work

Shorten Horizontal Blinds
Horizontal blind slats hanging below the windowsill are unsightly and a hazard for young children. The pull cords are the most dangerous. Shortening the blinds to the proper height will raise the pull cords and make your home safer.

Make an Easy Blind Cleaner
Keep some inexpensive cotton or microfiber gloves around the house to clean your blinds. Slip on a glove and run your fingers over the slats. When the gloves get dirty, pop them into the wash. It’s that easy!

Use Hooks for Mini Blind Cord Safety
Put suction cups with hooks on the window to keep mini blind cords safely out of the reach of infants and toddlers. You won’t have to drill holes in either the wall or the casing for cord brackets. And when the kids are older, you can just remove the hooks—no holes to repair!

Straighten a Bent Blind
Unmangle mangled mini-blinds with a mini-blind slat straightener. Just slide it over the damaged slat and squeeze.

Use a Mini Blind Bracket Hole Template
Marking the pilot holes for mini blinds or other small brackets is painstaking. Transfer the pilot holes to a piece of tape, and stick the tape where the bracket is to be fastened. Drill the pilot holes and mount your brackets.

Replace Your Blinds’ Cords Regularly
Replace worn cords on mini blinds, pleated shades and other slatted blinds before they break.

Make Your Windows Work for You
Keep the blinds or drapes on windows with direct sun exposure open (usually on the south side of the house) to let the sunlight heat the room. Heating doesn’t get any cheaper than this! At night, close the blinds or drapes to cover the cold glass.