10 Tips for How to Decorate a Christmas Tree

Updated on Jan. 30, 2025

Make the season merry and bright with these helpful Christmas tree decorating tips.

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Nothing gets you into the holiday spirit more than the perfect décor, and the Christmas tree is the most important part! Let’s be real: decorating for the holidays can be overwhelming when you don’t know where to start. Whether you’re looking to purchase a real Christmas tree for the first time this year or you’re opting for an artificial one, we’ve got you covered with the best tips on how to decorate it.

From choosing a theme, deciding between bows and ribbons and figuring out how to wrap lights around your tree in the most efficient way, here are 10 of the best tips to decorate the perfect Christmas tree.

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Artificial vs Real Christmas Tree

The first decision you have to make when it comes time to put up a tree in your home is whether you want an artificial or real Christmas tree. Real (or “living”) trees offer the full Christmas experience. Traveling to pick one out at the local lot is a great way to establish a yearly, memory-making tradition and support local tree farmers, and once they’re in your home real trees give off a woodsy pine smell that’s sure to put everyone in a festive holiday mood.

But real trees are also more work to maintain and only last one season, requiring a replacement every year. Fake Christmas trees, on the other hand, require very little maintenance and can be used year after year.

You can also get creative and build your own alternative Christmas tree. Ultimately, real and fake trees each come with a set of pros and cons and deciding between the two will come down to personal preference.

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Shutterstock/ Nina Buday

Where to Put Your Christmas Tree

After your purchase, you need to decide the best location for the Christmas tree in your home. Ideally, you want the tree in a highly visible location with great natural lighting and high ceilings. One snagged branch could bring the whole thing toppling over, so if you have young children or energetic pets you should highly consider tucking your tree into a corner.

It might take some rearranging of the furniture, but try to position your tree so that it is the focal point of a room. If your furniture is typically centered around a television, consider shifting the focus of the room towards the tree for the holiday season to help foster conversation and family time. Also, don’t forget to put your tree near an outlet so that you don’t have to run extension cords across the room to power the lights.

Get to know if Christmas trees are toxic to cats and follow these tips on how to keep cats out of your Christmas tree.

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Shutterstock/ Lost_in_the_Midwest

Fluff the Christmas Tree (If You Went Artificial)

One of the only “maintenance” related tasks that come with artificial trees is the fluffing of the branches and making it look fuller. After nearly a year of being stuffed in a box in storage, the branches of your artificial tree are going to be smushed and clumped together. In order to correct this, pull each individual branch out so that it resembles the look of a real tree. Typically, artificial trees come in sections (base, middle and top), and it’s easier to fluff out the branches one section at a time.

Set up the base of your tree and then shape the branches of the lowest section fully before adding another section on top. This will give you easier access to the branches near the interior middle of the tree so that no section goes un-fluffed. Also be sure to wear gloves while you fluff- your hands will thank you when they aren’t covered in scratches later.

Also, don’t forget to explore ways to decorate your fireplace for Christmas.

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Shutterstock/ Igor Nikushin

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree with Lights

Once your tree is fully set up in the perfect location, it’s time to start the decorating process. The Christmas lights should go on the tree before anything else. Before you put them on the tree, test your light strands to make sure they’re functioning correctly. Then, you can either fix any broken lights or buy new ones.

Start from the bottom and work your way up, weaving each strand between branches without overlapping the cords. A good way to check to see if you’ve got the whole tree covered is to turn off the rest of the lights in the room, take a step back and squint at your fully lit Christmas tree. This will cause any bare sections to stand out as obvious dark spots. Adjust and rearrange the lights, filling in those dark spots until the lights are uniformly spread out across the whole tree.

If you want to save time and make decorating your home easier, bring home a smart Christmas tree.

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Shutterstock/ TanaCh

Choose a Decorating Theme

It’s fairly common for people to decorate their trees with whatever random assortment of ornaments that have been passed down through family generations and collected over time, giving the tree a personal, homey and organic feel. But if you are planning on decorating a little more purposefully, you’re going to want to select a theme right away. There are many ways to decorate a Christmas tree so that it looks cohesive and stylish.

But choosing a theme is the best way to give your tree an elegant appearance while also keeping it from looking cluttered and overstuffed. Common themes include red and green, red and gold, and plaid- white trees with colorful ornaments have also become popular recently.

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Shutterstock/ TanaCh

Hang the Decorations (and Check for Bare Spots)

Decorating a tree takes a little more effort and planning than just throwing the ornaments on whatever branches are closest to you. If you’re hanging any beaded garlands or ribbon on the tree, do that before you start hanging any other Christmas ornaments.

The decorations should be evenly spaced out around the whole tree, even the parts that are not directly in view. If your tree is located in the corner of a room, pull it away from the wall while you decorate so that you have easier access to every side. Natural trees might have some thin or bare spots where there just aren’t as many branches. Try to fill those bare spots with decorations that naturally take up more space, like larger ornaments, pom poms or bows. If a bare spot cannot be filled in, position the tree so that the empty area is harder to see or at best hidden completely.

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Shutterstock/ Marie C Fields

Edible Ornaments

The gap between breakfast on Christmas morning and your big family dinner in the late afternoon can be a long one. This Christmas tree hack is a great way to give people something to munch on while they huddle around the tree and open presents. Figuring out how to decorate a Christmas tree with food can be a fun challenge, too. Strand together popcorn, string up Christmas cookies, open up some packages of candy canes and hang it all from the branches on Christmas morning to give people a snack that will help them power through the ordeal of unwrapping gifts.

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Shutterstock/ AMC Images

How to Decorate the Base of a Christmas Tree

After you’ve done Christmas tree flocking and hung the ornaments it’s time to turn your attention to below the branches. The base of a Christmas tree can be decorated in many ways, most of which serve to cover up the ugly metal Christmas tree stand. Try a tree collar or skirt.

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Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Top

The crowning jewel of a Christmas tree is the topper you place on its highest branch. The traditional tree topper is a golden star, meant to symbolize the star of Bethlehem that appears in the Nativity story in the Bible.

But there are other options, too, from doll versions of angels and Santa to elaborately tied bows. Try to go with the topper that complements the theme of the rest of your decorations the best. If you’re looking for more ideas, then here’s our collection of black and white Christmas tree decor ideas.

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via amazon.com

Don’t Forget the Pickle

The tradition of hiding a pickle in a Christmas tree is a strange one, and there are several unconfirmed theories as to where, when, and why the practice began. Regardless of how it started, hiding a pickle and then rewarding a prize to the person who finds the ornament is a fun game that can add a little spirit of competition to more laid-back Christmas mornings.

Up next, check out the best Christmas tree fences and some tips on Christmas tree care.


Do edible Christmas ornaments attract mice or other pests?

Yes, edible Christmas tree ornaments such as candy canes and popcorn strings can attract mice and other pests. Live Christmas trees are more likely to attract rodents and pests. To ensure that pests don’t invade your edible decorations, Lawn Plus Pest Control Services suggests hanging edible decorations such as candy canes later in the season and avoid adding edible gifts such as fruit baskets under the tree.

Are real trees or plastic trees better for the environment?

Real Christmas trees are generally better for the environment than artificial ones. The Nature Conservancy notes that real trees help fight climate change because they do not require the carbon emissions it takes to produce artificial trees. Purchasing a real tree helps keep tree farms in business and it supports wildlife by offering them access to their natural habitat. About 10 million fake trees are produced every year and usually shipped from China, which results in increased emissions. You can also recycle your real Christmas tree once the holidays are over in most states. Artificial trees are usually not recyclable and end up filling landfills.

Next, check out front porch Christmas decor ideas.