Don’t Hang Anything on Your Walls Until You Read These 9 Tips

Updated on Sep. 05, 2023

Even the most beautiful painting or photo will look out of place if it's not hung properly. These tips will help you get your framed treasure hung right.

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De Repente/Shutterstock

Hang Artwork Centered at Eye Level

You view some pictures primarily while standing (such as in a hallway or kitchen), and others primarily while sitting (dining room or family room). Hang artwork accordingly at “sitting” or “standing” eye level. Check out our comprehensive guide to hanging artwork and wall-hanging straight ad level.

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Never Hang Artwork in Direct Sunlight

Even with protective UV-blocking glass, prolonged exposure can fade images.

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New Africa/Shutterstock

Don’t Hang Artwork Above Sources of Heat

Temperature swings can cause condensation to form inside a frame, damaging the image. Here are 10 ways to heat your house in an emergency.

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Position Artwork Within 4 to 8 inches Above the Back of the Sofa

This distance can be even less when hanging pictures over desks, chests and sideboards.

Need to move some furniture around? This collection of 14 tips will help!

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hanging pictures

Plan Before You Hang

Make a newspaper template of your picture(s) and tape it to the wall before you install hangers. If you have multiple pictures, try different arrangements on the floor before hanging them. If you live in an older home and want to hang some artwork, you’ll want to know about this mysterious wood molding on your walls.

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Treat Groupings Like an Individual Picture

Groupings should follow the same guidelines as individual pictures: the group should be centered over pieces of furniture and at eye level. These 8 principals of organizing work in every room!

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Space ’em Right

One rule of thumb says pictures would not be hung more than the width of your hand apart.

Here are 25 measuring hacks all DIYers should know.

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Elena Rudyk/Shutterstock

Light ’em Right

Too much light creates glare and wash-out, so illuminate artwork at the lowest level possible for enjoyment. Limit exposure to fluorescent light because it can damage artwork. Learn how to install elegant cove lighting.

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ALPA PROD/Shutterstock

Use the Right Hangers

On pictures exceeding 8 x 10 inches, use two hooks for stability. Dabs of mounting putty on the lower corners keep the piece hanging straight. Check out this collection of hanging hacks for picture-perfect walls.