While toothbrushes and floss are essential for dental hygiene, these brilliant uses for them have nothing to do with your teeth.
31 Unique Uses for Toothbrushes and Floss at Home

Sew a Button Back On
If a button pops off of your shirt or pants, you can use floss to sew it back on. Even if you’re not an experienced sewer, replacing a button is simple to DIY. Just thread a needle with dental floss and cinch the button to the fabric.

Clean Your Keyboard

Cinch Up a Bag
Quickly close up a bag by tying the top with floss.

Clean Grout Joints

Cut Cake
Delicate desserts such as cake can be easily and precisely cut into even pieces using dental floss. Just stretch the floss tightly across the top and press it all the way through the dessert.

Slice Cheese
Similar to desserts, cheese can also be sliced using floss.

Deep-Clean Your Garbage Disposal
Dip an old toothbrush in antibacterial grease-cutting kitchen cleaner and lift up one corner of the splash guard. Scrub off the crud and rinse with cold water. Repeat with each flap until it’s totally clean and rinsed. Learn about other important steps for cleaning your garbage disposal here.

Hang a Frame on a Nail
No wire on the back of your new wall art? No problem! Just reach into your bathroom vanity and use some dental floss. Check out these other hanging hacks for picture-perfect walls.

Mark Your Yard
Use floss to mark your garden rows, so you know where you planted seeds, or to map out your landscaping projects. Tie pieces to floss around wooden stakes in the ground.

Restore Your Jewelry

DIY Plumb Bob
No plumb bob on hand? No problem! You can make one with dental floss an a small weighted object. Have no idea what a plumb bob is used for? Find out here.

Spot Cleaning

Cut Pastry Dough
Dental floss is especially helpful when cutting cinnamon roll dough. Simply slide it under the rolled pastry, cross the two ends over the top, and then pull the string straight. You’ll get a clean, even cut for perfectly sized cinnamon rolls! You can also use your workshop tools in the kitchen.

Repair Wood Parts
It’s easy to coat narrow crevices with glue when you’re repairing a cracked board or tenon on a project. Pour a little carpenter’s glue on a scrap of wood, drag the unwaxed floss back and forth through the puddle, and floss the glue into the crack. Now clamp the crack closed and let it dry. Thanks to Phil Milhelich for this tip.

Clean Mud off Your Shoes

Locate Studs
Finding a stud behind plaster and lath is hit-or-miss with a typical stud finder. Here’s a better method. Tape a rare earth magnet (about $4 for a 10-pack at home centers) to a piece of dental floss. Slowly drag the magnet across the wall surface. The magnet will “hang up” a bit over the nails used to fasten the wood lath to the studs.
Check out these Best-Kept Secrets of Professional Painters.

Deep Clean Your Toilet

Pull Your Kid’s Tooth
If your child is a little scared about losing their first baby tooth, make a game of it. Tie a piece of floss to the tooth and give it a slight tug. It’ll pop right out before they even realize it. Note: Make sure the tooth is ready to come out easily before trying this tooth-pulling tactic.

Plant support
There’s no need to purchase specially made plant ties for your garden, use dental floss instead. The sturdy string will support everything from heavy tomato plants to delicate tendrils of vining flowers. This is our best advice for growing tomatoes at home.

Hang Holiday Ornaments
After being in storage for a year, it’s not unusual to find missing or broken strings attached to your holiday ornaments. For a quick fix, simply replace the string with floss.

Quick Clothesline
Whether you’re camping or just taking advantage of a day of sunshine at home, you can hang dry your clothes outdoors using floss and a couple of sturdy trees or fence posts.

Detail Your Car

In-a-Pinch Shoelaces
Broken shoelaces without a spare set in your junk drawer? Reach for your dental floss for a substitute!

Toothbrush Glue Spreader

Dry Flowers
Many different types of flowers can be preserved by drying. Dental floss works perfectly for wrapping a bundle of flowers and hanging it from a nail to dry.

Bundle Herbs
Similar to flowers, many herbs can be bundled and used fresh or dried to be used later. Floss is the perfect tie for wrapping around the stems of a bunch of herbs.

Scrub Baseboards

Quick Fishing Line
Toss a container of floss into your tackle box for emergency fishing line replacement. And you can also use it to clean your teeth after a delicious fish fry along the shore!

Polish Metal

Tie a Turkey
Your beautiful holiday meal isn’t ruined if you forgot to pick up some kitchen twine. Wax-free dental floss is a perfect substitute for tying up meats for roasting.

Never Flush Floss
While we’re on the subject of cool uses for dental floss in your home, one thing you should never, ever do is flush it down the toilet! It can tangle and get caught up in your plumbing pipes and cause clogs and even more serious damage. Check out several other things that you should never flush down your toilet.