The places you forget to clean, plus tips and tricks to clean your bathroom more quickly and effectively.
7 Ways You’re Probably Cleaning Your Bathroom Wrong

You Clean Surfaces at Room Temperature
Heating your tub, sink, and tiles just 10 degrees above normal air temperature can double the effectiveness of alkaline cleansers. Fill your tub or sink with the hottest water you can run from the tap and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing and cleaning bathroom areas. If you spot rust on chrome fixtures, here’s how to remove it.

You Scrub Your Plastic Shower Curtains
Don’t waste any energy scrubbing a shower curtain liner when cleaning bathroom areas. Throw it into the washing machine with a couple of towels, a cup of vinegar, and run for about five minutes. Let the towels and curtain soak in the water for an hour before turning the machine back on to finish the cycle. Hang to dry. Make sure you know these clever house cleaning hacks.

You Use Paper Towels
Meet your new best friend, the microfiber cloth. These cloths are composed of ultrafine synthetic fibers woven together to create a static charge that attracts dirt and dust, so you can tackle dusting without using sprays. Even better clean bathroom—you can wash and reuse them so the environment will thank you, too. Don’t miss this definitive guide on things you probably have never cleaned (but really should).

You Don’t Clean Your Toothbrush
A recent study from the University of Manchester found that the average toothbrush contained about 10 million germs, including E. coli. To disinfect your toothbrush, rinse it well after each use and occasionally soak it in a cup of vinegar for about 30 minutes to take care of any leftover bacteria. Replace your toothbrush every three months—but save the old one; you can use it to clean hard-to-reach places around the house.

You Forget to Vacuum
Think your vacuum is only for carpet? Think again. Before cleaning your tile floors, vacuum or sweep to remove loose dirt and debris, then wash with a cleaning solution. It’ll save you time in the long run instead of scrubbing a filthy, dusty floor when cleaning your bathroom. A vacuum is also very helpful for cleaning a bathroom exhaust fan.

You Forget to Clean Behind Your Toilet
Gross alert: It’s way too easy for urine and fecal matter to build up back there, leaving an icky residue that’s hard to clean. For a clean bathroom, roll up a few paper towels (you’re better off with these for this dirty job than a reusable cloth), dip them in antibacterial cleaner, and, while facing the throne, “floss” the back of the toilet. Let it sit for a few minutes and then “floss” again with a dry paper towel to finish the job. You’ll want to steal these other house cleaning hacks from professional cleaners when cleaning bathroom spots, too.

You Don’t Clean Your Hairbrush
Like sponges or carpets, hairbrushes trap unwanted dust, dirt, oils, and old hair product. Each time you brush with a dirty hairbrush, you re-deposit all the dust, dirt, and oils back into your mane! For a clean bathroom, remove all hair caught in the bristles. Mix a solution of 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda, then apply to the bristles and base gently with an old toothbrush.
Don’t miss these secret cleaning tips professional housecleaners do in their homes every day.