19 Crazy Cool Backyard Putting Green Ideas

Updated on May 30, 2023

Your golf game may not look tour-ready, but you can feel like a pro by stepping out into one of these crazy-cool backyard putting greens.

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Backyard Practice

The luxury of having a backyard putting green might save you a few shots on your next round, and the addition of synthetic turf might be a blessing in disguise. If you’re not ready to take the leap, see how to get a green lawn in three easy steps.

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Making the Switch

Many athletic fields have made the switch to synthetic turf as a way to save on maintenance costs of a turf field and a backyard putting green can at least make having synthetic turf a little more fun. ProGreen Synthetic Turf Systems estimates that a 2,500-square foot synthetic lawn will pay for itself in three to five years.

If your lawn is beginning to thin, see what you can do to revive a lawn.

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Synthetic Close to the Real Thing

Synthetic turf can mimic the challenges of putting on the green during a round by building the break into the design. Some companies use a concrete base for putting greens while others use a limestone and sand base.

When considering a backyard putting green, paying attention to drainage becomes even more important. See how to better manage your lawn’s drainage to avoid big puddles.

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Not Just for Putting

Though they’re still called putting greens, most people end up using them for chipping purposes as well. Tiger Woods uses natural turf at his Florida home and it helped with his latest comeback effort.

Add a water hazard to your backyard with an incredible backyard waterfall.

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A DIY Project

Bob Overby built his own backyard putting green 15 years ago and it became a business for him, Michelangelo Putting Greens. It’s a project that can involve as little as a wheelbarrow to haul in gravel or crushed limestone. While companies like Overby’s will design and install the whole system, there are companies that will just sell the turf and the base.

Start your research by learning how to pour concrete forms properly.

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ProGreen Synthetic Turf Systems sells its putting greens with an eight-year warranty though synthetic turf will hold up much longer than that, according to several companies.

If you still like the exercise that mowing the lawn provides, check out the best walk-behind mowers available.

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Not a Golfer?

Synthetic turf has started to pop up on roof tops of apartment buildings, too, Overby said. Residents can play bocce ball in their apartment complex.

Check out an awesome backyard game you can make yourself.

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Blades of Nylon

Some synthetic turf putting greens use nylon to replicate the feel of grass and others use a polypropylene blend fiber.

Discover lawn care myths that could change how you take care of your lawn.

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A Real Green Sounds Nice …

But they’re a nightmare to maintain if you’re not used to it. Greens get rolled daily at golf courses, need to be aerated and mowed more frequently than your lawn.

See how often you should mow your lawn.

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Convenience Unmatched

Depending on where your local track is located, getting some time on the putting and chipping area might be tough to come by. A backyard putting green makes it easy to relax after work … at home.

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Practice Makes Perfect

It might be a steep investment but maybe not having a backyard putting green is the only thing holding you back from competing in the Major Series of Putting. Yes, it exists and it’s scheduled for Oct. 24-31 in Las Vegas. It’s the brainchild of Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte, who put up the money to build a $2.2 million stadium of putting holes designed by Jack Nicklaus’ company. There’s some big money at stake too, last year’s High Roller Invitational winner walked away with $110,000.

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Artificial Putting Green Cost

A putting green can run between $15 to $25 per square foot, according to Tour Greens, a synthetic turf company, though that price can vary depending on how extensive the project will get. To get a better idea of the process, you can check out our tips on artificial turf grass installation.

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Family Activity

A backyard putting green is a great way to get outside without having to spend a ton on greens fees. Junior can be a great putter before he’s strong enough to reach the green in one shot off the tee.

Photo: Courtesy of ProGreen Synthetic Turf Systems

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Fill in Trouble Spots

The whole backyard doesn’t have to be a putting green but throwing one in a troublesome area in the yard might solve some problems. Got a spot that draws too much sunlight and leaves the ground bare?  See how to repair bare lawn spots before trying a different tact.

Photo: Courtesy of Michelangelo Putting Greens

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Plan Ahead

Those that decide to go the DIY route with a backyard putting green will have to plan ahead because some of the turf will need to be soaked to shrink and cut to the right dimensions.

Photo: Courtesy of Michelangelo Putting Greens

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Tour Greens recommends that in the first month of installing its putting greens that they be brushed and rolled four times, then twice in the second month and as needed following that. More top dressing and infill will need to be added periodically to keep it rolling as it should. For faster speeds it should be rolled more frequently.

Find out the best time to aerate a lawn to keep it healthy.

Photo: Courtesy of Michelangelo Putting Greens

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Synthetic turf tends to get hot during the summer and it can get discolored because of mildew, if there’s poor drainage. Clean it like you normally would a mildew surface.

See what you need to do to get rid of mildew from the house.

Photo: Courtesy of Michelangelo Putting Greens

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Pro Level

The United States Golf Association posts its recommendations for putting green construction for those who like to do a thorough study of things. Check out the guide and buff up on drainage systems for the backyard.

Photo: Courtesy of Sport Court

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Grab a Leaf Blower

A leaf blower is going to be a pretty handy tool with a backyard putting green since you won’t exactly be able to rake those leaves up anymore.

Photo: Courtesy of Sport Court