These DIY projects may not be pin-worthy, but you'll feel fantastic when you check each one off your to-do list. Start to finish, each of these projects will take you less than a couple of hours.
12 DIY Projects You Can Check Off Your List This Weekend

Stop Washing Machine Vibration
If your clothes washing machine is rocking, chattering and moving around, you can fix it by adjusting the legs. The fix is simple and doesn't require a bunch of tools.

Unclog a Sink
Clogged DIY projects are quick and often times have simple solutions. And you can unclog all but the most stubborn sink-drain clogs with a plunger and a snake. Plungers are sold at any hardware store or home center. Those with larger rubber bells deliver more thrust, but most will work for kitchen drains. Be sure it has a stout handle so you can apply plenty of force.
Complete instructions for unclogging a sink.

Clean a Room Air Conditioner
Room air conditioner units work more efficiently when the evaporator and condenser coils or cooling fins are clean and the fins are straight. And you can save money and keep your rooms cooler by doing these types of DIY projects yourself. Here's the simple step-by-step process.

Fix a Wobbly Ceiling Fan
Ceiling fans often wobble for reasons other than balance. Although a slight wobble (1/8 in. on high) is normal, anything more than that is annoying and potentially dangerous. Troubleshoot and fix your ceiling fan with this guide.

Stop a Running Toilet
Fixing a running toilet is a lot easier than you might think. Learn how to identify and solve the problem and don't be intimidated by the tank's inner workings. These DIY projects fixes are straightforward, even if you don't have any plumbing experience. So stop wasting water and fix the toilet!

Clean Oven Door Glass
No one really knows how that brownish crud gets inside the oven window. But once it's there it's going to bug you until it's gone. Luckily there's a simple way to clean it and you can do it yourself in no time with these instructions.

Replace a Shingle
Remove unsightly damaged shingles and stop potential roof leaks by following this simple three-step shingle replacement process. Shingle replacements are crucial DIY projects in order to keep your home safe and durable for years to come.

Re-Caulk the Tub
Make your bathroom look fresh and new! And get rid of ugly, discolored caulk and then re-caulk around any shower or tub. Re-caulking DIY projects takes just a couple of hours.

Replace a Torn Window or Door Screen
Exterior DIY projects can be intimidating, but this one is easy! You man think that if a window screen is ripped, poked and torn its out of business. But as long as the frame is in good shape repairs are easy and can be done in a few minutes. Here's how you can make your screen door or window look good as new.

Raise Sunken Patio Pavers
Landscaping DIY projects are also intimidating, but this one isn't! It's easy to remove sunken or dipped patio pavers and reset them at the proper height. And make your patio perfectly smooth again. Follow this simple four-step technique.

How to Fix a Loose Doorknob
Tighten a loose doorknob that has hidden screws. Just pop off the cover plate and then all you need is a screwdriver. And this is how you do it.

Repair a Miniblind Lift Cord
If your miniblinds, pleated shades or other slatted blinds are in good shape but the lift cord is worn out, you can replace it! Use our quick restringing system to simplify the task. These DIY projects, will make your home look more put together.