Whether you enjoy flowers, herbs or other easy-to-grow plants, here are 12 ways to recycle and reuse stuff you'd probably just throw away.
11 DIY Planters Made From Kitchen Castoffs

Flour Sifter Flower Pot
If you have an old flour sifter you no longer use, try turning into a planter. If you don’t have one, there’s a good chance you’ll find one at a thrift store or garage sale. For additional unique planter ideas, visit Pretty Handy Girl. Check out these 15 items you should think twice about donating.

Dual-Purpose Coffee Pot
Updating your old coffee pot? Try using your castoff as a fishbowl and planter in one. Have your child choose a small fish from the pet store and add a couple small plants to the top of the pot. Read about the project here. Check out these 12 other perfect projects to do with kids.

Coffee Mug
Try using an old coffee mug or tea cup to grow some small plants. Try an oversized mug to hold flowers on your dining table.

Loaf Pan
Are your loaf pans getting rusty or showing their age? Use them to plant some succulents, which don’t need much maintenance. Read more about this project at just about home.

Cupcake Pan
Instead of cupcakes, this pan is serving up some hens and chicks! You’ll need a drill to complete this planter, along with some landscape fabric or burlap. Find the instructions at Fred Gonsowski Garden Home.

Cardboard Carton
Instead of tossing that cardboard milk or orange juice carton in the recycling bin, cut off the top, wrap it with fabric and use it as a planter for herbs or flowers. For more ideas, visit Cut Out + Keep.

Tea Pot
This old tea pot has a new life as a planter. You can get a similar look with an old coffee carafe. For even more ideas, click here. Here’s how to make your own pour-over coffee maker.

Coffee Cans
Don’t toss those empty coffee cans! Give them an updated look with some paint and use them as planters. For a video tutorial, click here.

Cabinet Drawer
If you’re remodeling your kitchen, save an old drawer and use it as a planter. You can use it as a small garden box or hang it on the wall for a vertical garden or flower box. For ideas, visit Veggie Gardener. Oh, and here’s an instant (and cheap) planter upgrade.

Plastic Jugs
Those plastic milk jugs can be cut and used as planters. Try hanging them from a fence with wire coat hangers, as shown here. To read about the project, click here. Plus, here are 21 nifty ways to reuse plastic jugs and bottles at home.

Wine Bottle
If you’re up for cutting glass, try using empty wine bottles as planters. You’ll need to cut either the side or the top, depending on the look you’re going for. Next, try building this space-saving kitchen cabinet wine rack project.