More than 56 million people in the U.S. have some type of physical disability, according to the 2010 census. Whether someone needs help in the kitchen and bathroom or more space to maneuver a wheelchair around the house, here are 10 ways to make your home more handicap accessible.
10 Ways to Make Your Home More Handicap Accessible

Widen Doorways
Many wheelchairs and walkers are too wide to easily maneuver through doorways. Widening doorways can be a costly job (up to $1,000 in some cases), but you can use some offset hinges to help swing the door clear of the opening to inexpensively add a couple inches of space.

Build a Ramp
A ramp to a doorway will not only help those in wheelchairs, but anyone with mobility difficulties. To build a ramp you’ll likely need a permit, so check local building codes before you begin construction. You can even build a ramp for your shed to make it more accessible.

Add Grab Bars
Grab bars will help with stability in the bathroom—especially around the shower and toilet. A standard 1-1/2-inch diameter bar works for most people’s grip.

Install a Riser
A toilet riser can make it easier for those who have trouble bending over or standing up and sitting down. Risers can be purchased at home improvement and many drug stores, and usually, cost less than $50.
Photo: Courtesy of Muscular Dystrophe Canada

Step-In Showers
Bathtubs, with their high sides, can cause problems for those with mobility issues. Instead, think about converting the space to a step-in shower. Install a shower bench for even more support.

Rethink Flooring
Rugs and thick carpeting can not only make it difficult for those in wheelchairs and with walkers, but they can also be a tripping hazard for everyone. Consider hardwood flooring, vinyl or ceramic tile.

Arrange Your Kitchen for Accessibility
Those looking to make handicap accessible homes may have to make some changes to their kitchen. Try arranging appliances near the sink and counters to make tasks easier to perform. Move everyday items into lower cabinets for easy access.

Lower Closet Rods
Consider lowering closet rods to make it easier to reach clothing. A height of about 2 feet from the floor will help those in wheelchairs.

Replace Knob Handles
Turning doorknobs and some faucets can be a challenge for those with dexterity and hand coordination issues. Replace those round doorknobs and faucet handles with lever handles.

Consider Furniture Placement
To allow ease of movement, make a path of at least 32 inches between furniture pieces. You may also need to raise furniture to help some people sit comfortably. You can achieve this with furniture coasters or small blocks of wood that are secured to the legs of the furniture.