10 Handy Hints To Get More Out of Your Speed Square

Published on Feb. 28, 2025

The speed square is a mainstay in every carpenter's toolbag. Here are some of the reasons why.

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Guiding Saw Cuts

Speed squares are a helpful saw guide for cutting 45- and 90-degree angles. The plastic squares are thicker than most metal ones, making them a good fence for the shoe of a circular saw to ride along.
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Marking Angles

Swing the square until you read the desired angle on the board’s edge, and make your mark. Shown being marked is a 33-1/2 degree angle.
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Squaring Lines

The Swanson Speed Square has a diamond cutout along the ruler that allows you to square lines and make sure they’re perfect. That diamond cutout can be used to make a notch, or a birdsmouth, for rafter work.
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The Swanson Speed Square can sub in as a level in a pinch. If you’ve got a plumb bob, you can use that to determine if something is level by measuring it in comparison with the 45-degree mark. If you don’t have a plumb bob, you can improvise with a string and a nut.
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Line Scriber

A Speed Square often gets used as a line scriber because of the precision it can provide in a hurry. It can easily mark parallel lines.
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Drawing Circles

Yes, you can even draw a circle with a Speed Square. Place a screw at the 90-degree corner, and then pick a notch for your circle. Move the pencil and Speed Square around the nail and you have a circle. Learn how to cut curves in wood as well.
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Find the Center of a Circle

You’ll need a carpenter square to assist with the Speed Square for this hint. Place a carpenter square on the edge of a circle and put the Speed Square’s angled side inside the corner of the carpenter square. Draw a line and repeat on the opposite side to find the center of the circle.
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Trim shim
Family Handyman

Cut Trim at an Angle

If you need to cut trim quickly, a Speed Square will give you a 45 degree angle in a hurry.
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Ripping Wood

If you need to rip wood, then the Speed Square can be an asset as well. Because of its lipped fence you can make a straight line the length of the board. It features ¼-inch increments on the inside triangle cutout where you can place your pencil to draw a line for however much you want to cut from your wood. The divots help keep the pencil straight when measuring.
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Measuring Saw Blades

The angle of a saw blade will get out of whack slightly over time and through use. A quick way to check the angles is by using a Speed Square. Lay the lipped fence flat on the shoe and take note if it’s not even with the Speed Square.