Is It Better to Stack a Washer and Dryer or Leave Them Side by Side?
More and more washing machines and dryers can be stacked, but there are some factors to consider before putting one...

How To Use Tide Pods The Correct Way: A Comprehensive Guide
Trust us, learning how to use detergent pods will take your laundry game up a level.

10 Brilliant Uses for Ice
From eliminating wrinkles to cleaning up messes, these ice tricks will help you in so many ways around the house.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Washing Bath Mats in the Washer
Bathroom mats should never, ever go in your washing machine. Learn why, and what to do when your bathroom mats...

9 Brilliant Ways to Use Vinegar in Laundry
You probably have a gallon of white vinegar on your shelf, so here's how to put it to work and...

Home Facts: This is How Long These Parts of Your Home Should Last
You know how it goes: When you're least expecting it, you'll need to replace something in your home. Maybe the...

11 Design Rules You Should Never Break
If you're looking to transform the look of a room or your entire home, it can be difficult to get...

How to Dry Clothes Without a Dryer
Whether your dryer is kaput or you're looking for ways to save energy, we'll show you how to dry clothes...

The 5 Best All-in-One Washer/Dryers for 2024
No room? No problem! These are the best all-in-one washer/dryers to make the most out of limited laundry space.

All-in-One Washer/Dryer Buying Guide
If you've ever wondered whether all-in-one washer/dryers are worth it, read on.

8 Best Hanging Racks for the Laundry Room
Extend the life of your clothes with space-saving, eco-friendly laundry room hanging racks for air drying.

How to DIY Laundry Room Shelves
Convert your dreary basement laundry into a functional, organized and finished workspace.

House Electrical Wiring: What You Need to Know
Here's what you need to know when shopping for electrical wires and cables for your next home improvement or DIY...

Do I Really Need to Sort My Laundry By Color?
Do you really need to separate laundry by color and type? For prolonging the life of your washables, the short...

12 Bad Home Decorating Habits You Should Stop Immediately
Are you guilty of these bad home decorating habits? Your design should make sense and not confuse your guests.

How to Snuff Out Bad Smells in Your House
Every now and then you'll walk into a room in your home and think to yourself, "What stinks?" Maybe it's...

Unique Tools for Electricians
Professional electricians swear by these tools, and you will, too. Check out our recommendations here.

100 Essential Cleaning Hacks for Your Home
Speed up home cleaning by putting into practice some of these 100 essential cleaning hacks for your home. You won't...

12 High-Quality Hand Tools You Can Actually Buy on Amazon
Find these durable, high-quality hand tools available for time-saving delivery right now on Amazon.com.

Dryer Vent Fire Hazards: Ways to Minimize the Risk
Dryer vent fires are usually included in the most common types of house fires. But it would be more accurate...

6 Home Problems Inspectors Hate to See and How to Fix Them
Reuben Saltzman, president of Structure Tech in Minnesota, identifies potential home problems and what to do about them.

What Is a Styler Appliance and Can It Replace Your Washing Machine?
The LG Styler steam closet takes your laundry game to the next level, removing odors and wrinkles. But can it...

Discover the Secrets to Whiter Clothing: Natural Fabric Whitening Solutions
Put away the bleach and instead reach for something that could be in your fridge to learn how to whiten...

10 Best Laundry Baskets, Hampers and Sorters
Make laundry day more organized and less of a chore with these cleverly designed laundry baskets and hampers.

We Tried Benjamin Moore’s 2021 Paint Color of the Year
Aegean Teal caught the attention of our team here at Family Handyman. Here's why we love it.

The 5 Best Ironing Boards for Wrinkle-Free Clothes
Look sharp, crisp and wrinkle-free! Here's our list of the best ironing boards.

9 Things You Never Knew Your Dryer Could Do
That magical permanent-press setting that most people never use is a wrinkle-reducing marvel and gentler on clothes, helping them last a...

10 Laundry Room Problems You’ll Regret Ignoring
Take care of these washer and dryer warning signs now to avoid costly repairs or replacement later.

8 Ways to Use Baking Soda in the Laundry Room
Want a cheap ingredient for whitening and brightening laundry, and eliminating odors and stains? Turn to good old reliable baking...