9 Most Common Fireplace Repairs
Make sure your fireplace functions properly so it's ready whenever you, your family and friends want to enjoy it.

Best Fireplace Decor Ideas
Uninspired fireplace decor is everywhere. That's why these 10 hearths caught our eye and we wanted to share them with...

The 5 Best Electric Fireplaces, Tested by Shopping Experts
Create the snuggly vibe of a roaring fire without the hassle and expense of a conventional hearth, thanks...

How to Clean a Chimney
Cleaning tips for a wood-burning fireplace chimney.

How to Install a Gas Fireplace
Complete DIY instructions for installing a direct-vent gas fireplace

Firewood Buying Tips
Whether you’re looking for wood to burn in a fireplace, wood stove or backyard fire pit, here’s what to keep...

Maintaining and Using a Wood-Burning Fireplace
While a wood-burning fireplace adds warmth and comfort to a home during the colder months, safety should always be top...

Guide to Gas Fireplace Inserts
Tired of dealing with the constant mess and maintenance of your wood-burning fireplace? Consider whether a gas fireplace insert is...

Best Fireplace Tools and Accessories That are Also Great Gift Ideas
The right indoor fireplace accessories tools and accessories will help you enjoy a toasty, glowing fire all season long.

What to Know About Gas Fireplace Servicing and Maintenance
Even clean-burning gas fireplaces need regular cleaning and inspection. Learn what's involved in a gas fireplace service and when it...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Fireplace Refacing
From dull and dated to modern masterpiece in one weekend.

What Animal Is in My Chimney (And How Do I Get Rid of It)?
If noises from your chimney have you wondering what's going on in there, you could have unwelcome animals that need...

How to Inspect a Wood Burning Fireplace Yourself
Learn before you burn.

How to Repair a Gas Fire Pit
How to inspect and fix your gas fire pit.

How to Clean a Gas Fireplace
Important annual gas fireplace maintenance.

What to Know About Chimineas
A terracotta or metal chiminea stove can provide a warm, attractive and socially distanced gathering spot in your backyard or...

What to Know Before Hiring a Chimney Sweep
Two key benefits of hiring a chimney sweep? Safety and savings. We'll walk you through the process.

Everything You Need to Know About a Fireplace Damper
Every fireplace needs a damper to let out smoke and gases and to keep out rain, debris and animals. Learn...

8 Best Fireplace and Chimney Draft Stoppers For a Warm, Cozy Home
Fireplace draft stoppers come in many forms, but they all have one thing in common: They keep your home warm...

13 Best Outdoor Fire Pit Accessories
Make the most of your backyard fire pit or outdoor fireplace with these fun, convenient and clever fire pit accessories.

10 Things You Should Never Burn in Your Fireplace
Some are obvious, like plastic, but others might surprise you. From Christmas trees to dryer lint, here are materials you...

When and How to Clean a Chimney Flue
How often to remove creosote to prevent chimney fires and do a fireplace cleaning.

9 Ways to Heat Your House When the Power Goes Out
If your electricity is out for a while in the colder months, you need a safe, reliable way to heat...

Noisy Gas Fireplace Blower? Here’s How to Replace it
If your fireplace is whirring, grinding, rattling or squealing, here's how to figure out where that noise is coming from...

How to Build a Keepsake Box
Show off treasured wood—and lock other treasures inside with this keepsake box.

12 Ideas for a Non-Functioning Fireplace
When your fireplace gets old — or you just get tired of using it — you've actually got a design...

Where To Buy Firewood
Whether you've got an indoor fireplace or an outdoor fire pit, this is a great time of year to stock...