How to Reverse a Refrigerator Door
Swap your refrigerator door handles in minutes.

Dryer Lint Cleaning Tips
Clean lint from the dryer exhaust duct quickly and easily

How to Find a Vacuum Leak in Your Car
Elusive vacuum leaks can create confusion when you're trying to diagnose your car. Here are symptoms to look for, plus...

How to Repair a Dishwasher That’s Not Cleaning Dishes
Simply cleaning the spray arm, filter and float can solve your problems.

How to Buy a Washer and Dryer
Buying a washer and dryer is somewhat like buying a car—it can be an enjoyable process or it can be...

How to Install a Dishwasher
Our pros tell you how to avoid the most common mistakes when learning how to install a dishwasher.

How to Cook with Cast Iron on Any Type of Stove
Just keep a few things in mind and you can cook with your cast iron on any type of stove....

DIY Dust Filter for Your Workshop Fan
My workshop doesn’t have air conditioning, and it gets pretty hot while I'm working.

Shop Vacuum Hack for Your Inflatables
Don't have an air compressor to blow up air mattresses or pool toys? If you have a shop vacuum, you're...

This Fan Trick Can Keep Your House Warm All Winter Long
It's SO easy!

How to Reuse Your Vacuum Cleaner Bags (Yes, It’s Possible!)
In a pinch, a vacuum cleaner bag is actually reusable. The bottom end of the bag is usually folded over...

How to Clean a Dishwasher With Vinegar
Use vinegar in your dishwasher to give your glassware an extra sparkle and prevent filmy residue from hard water.

10 Things You Should Never Wash in Your Dishwasher
Don't ruin your favorite dishes and utensils! Find out which items simply won't hold up if you wash them in...

10 Ways You’re Loading Your Dishwasher All Wrong
Do you place glasses upside down on the tines of your dishwasher's top rack? If so, you're doing it wrong....

How To Clean an Air Conditioner Completely
This central air conditioner maintenance guide helps you get lower cooling bills while staying comfortable in summer.

Here’s Where You Shouldn’t Install Your AC
If your AC is anywhere on this list, you need to change the location ASAP.

You Should Use a Cast-Iron Skillet to Grill Your Steak, Here’s Why
Using a cast-iron skillet on the grill is the key to giving your steak the perfect crust and a tender,...

Never, Ever Use Your Ladder Like This
This window washer is making the most of a ladder that’s too short. But if his luck runs out, he’ll...

A Water Heater Vent Installed Like This Can Have Lethal Consequences
Installing a water heater vent incorrectly can be extremely dangerous for your family. Learn the wrong way and right way...

Brilliant Trick for Cleaning Saw Blades
Clean resin and pitch from saw blades with spray oven cleaner.

This Nifty Trick Will Clean Up Your Air Conditioner
Not sure how to clean the sticky grime off of your air conditioner? No sweat! This trick to cleaning your...

How to Fix Chipped Porcelain
Make annoying dings disappear.

Your Air Conditioner Won’t Fully Work If You Don’t Do This
Looking to make the most of your air conditioner unit? By doing this one thing regularly, you will find yourself...

9 Unusual Uses for Pressure Washers That’ll Blow Your Mind
You know a pressure washer is great at cleaning the driveway, but did you know it can also be used...

9 Things to Know Before You Self-Clean Your Oven
Spills, gunk and general mess accumulates inside the average homeowner's oven, but what's the best way to clean it? Many...

How to Double Your Battery Life
Here's a tip for making lithium tool batteries last twice as long. Most kits come with two batteries. Take one...

How to Clean Under Your Fridge
Clean the dust, hair, lint, cat toys and trinkets out from under your refrigerator.

12 Easy Things Everyone Should Know How to Fix
Whether you're a new homeowner or an expert DIYer, knowing how to fix these common household problems can save you...

How to Install a Ceiling Fan Mounting Bracket
Here, we'll show you how to remove an old light and install a ceiling fan mounting bracket so you can...