Forgot to put up your car windows during a rain storm? Follow these steps to dry out your car.

What To Do If You Leave Your Car Windows Down in the Rain

The sound of rain pitter-pattering on your windows in the early morning can be really soothing— until, of course, you remember that you left your car windows down. Yikes! Not only can it make getting in your car unpleasant, but it can damage electronics from your stereo to more important equipment that helps your car run. And let’s not forget mold! If a wet car happens to you, don’t stress— just act quickly.
Here’s what you’ll need to do.
Water removal
First thing first: get the water out! You’ll want to grab some towels to wipe down and soak up. Follow up with a wet/dry vacuum to really get the moisture out, especially from car seats, floor mats and carpets. If you don’t have one, get one!
Air it out
Once you’ve done initial damage control with the towels and vacuum, you’ll want to grab some fans, turn them on, open all your doors and blast them into the areas that were saturated with water.
Now this is where you need some patience, because it’s going to take a full day or two for your car to dry out while the fans run. If some spots are still wet after 48 hours, consider using a hair blow dryer to focus warm air on the spots that are still wet.
Remove moisture
Once the surfaces feel dry, the crucial step is to get all the remaining moisture out of your car to avoid that mildewy smell. There are a few ways you can do this, whether you use a dehumidifier that can be easily moved or put a few open boxes of baking soda around the interior of your car. If your mold-prevention efforts fail, open all the car windows and doors for at least 15 minutes to let the spores blow out.
Next, inspect your car, from the seats and the seat belts to the steering wheel, and pinpoint where the mold is located. Then, use a toothbrush to break up the spores, brushing into all cracks and crevices. Use a wet/dry vacuum again to suck up the loose mold. You can then use white vinegar. Because it’s an acid, it will burn the mold and its spores.
Mix eight parts white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle and spray over the surface until it’s very damp. Let the solution sit for 15 minutes, then use a wet/dry vacuum to speed up the drying process.
How long does it take for the car to dry completely?
It depends on how much water damage there is. A car can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to dry out completely.
When should I consider professional help?
If you can’t get your car to dry out in a few days or if it smells moldy, you should consider a professional cleaning or detailing service.