Trex deck railing options explained. Three lines encompass many options. Trex calls these railing lines Trex Select, Trex Transcend and Trex Signature.

Trex Deck Railing Options and Features Explained

To enclose a deck, Trex deck railing options provide the same durability, wear-resistance and low-maintenance properties that the company builds into its Trex composite decking.
As with Trex decking, the railings break into three lines encompassing different materials and options. Trex calls these lines Trex Select, Trex Transcend and Trex Signature.
Trex Railing Collections
Trex Select railings
As the most economical choice, Trex Select railings (shown here) offer a single, clean-looking profile in white with black aluminum balusters (spindles). Two styles of post caps, one flat and one pyramid-topped, are available. Trex Select 4-inch post sleeves, the composite sheath that dresses-up the wood posts that suppost the railing, are interchangeable with those of the Trex Transcend line, which opens up more variety, but requires careful ordering.
Here’s some advice on selecting the best Trex decking colors for your home.
Trex Transcend line
Your options increase significantly with the Trex Transcend line. Transcend includes seven composite colors, three aluminum colors and the choice to replace the crown rail profile (narrow with rounded corners for gripping) with a cocktail rail (wide and flat to support a beverage container). Furthermore, baluster options include round and square aluminum cross-sections and a square composite baluster. There are seemingly endless possibilities! To simplify decision-making, Trex has assembled three railing styles to complement selected decking colors. These pairings are called duos.
Brighten up your outdoor space with a DIY deck planter.
Trex Signature line
Finally, the Trex Signature line includes all-aluminum railing options, providing a unique and modern, low-profile appearance. Classic white, charcoal black and bronze rails can be topped with a cocktail railing. A unique design option adds rods (available in platinum and charcoal black) that allow balusters to be arranged horizontally instead of vertically.
Optional Trex Railing Features
Complement Trex deck railings or add functionality with optional features. Address accessibility concerns (and satisfy commercial-setting requirements) with an ADA-compliant handrail. Post, post-cap and rail lights add a soft glow to your deck and improve nighttime visibility. An aluminum gate helps keep children safe or pets enclosed on the deck (or off of it!). Planters and seating can be incorporated into railing design, while lattice and pergolas can provide privacy and screen off unsightly views.
Next, learn how to build a beautiful pergola.