Professional cleaners must be efficient and effective. You can be more efficient and effective, too, by implementing these cleaning tips from the pros.

9 Things Professional Cleaners Wish You Knew

Professional wisdom can be invaluable, especially when it comes to cleaning your home. We asked two professional cleaning experts to share their best tips and strategies for tackling tough jobs and keeping your home in tip-top shape.
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Wipe Down Kitchen Counters Daily
There are only a few must-do daily tasks, and wiping down kitchen counters is one of them.
Kitchens are generally one of the messiest areas in a home. Professional cleaner and handyman Walter E. Bennett of Green Leaf Air recommends wiping down kitchen counters daily with a damp cloth to prevent residue buildup. This daily task also helps prevent fruit flies and ants from invading.
Clean Windows With a Squeegee
Many professional cleaners prefer squeegees for good reason. “Using a squeegee can help remove water and dirt from the windows,” Bennett says. That helps you clean windows like a pro.
Use a Steam Mop To Clean Tile Floors
It’s a common misconception that many floor cleaning products are universal. Bennett, however, says choosing the right product for the right surface is key. “For example, a mop and bucket are not the best way to clean tile floors,” he says. “You should use a squeegee or a steam mop.”
Before using a steam mop, vacuum or sweep your floors to remove debris. Spend extra time on any stubborn areas, giving them extra passes as needed.
Buy a Vacuum Cleaner With a HEPA Filter
Believe it or not, your vacuum’s filter can affect your health. Dust and debris can cause a host of respiratory issues and aggravate allergies or asthma, making a vacuum cleaner with a high-quality filter essential.
“Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter,” Bennett says. “Vacuums with this technology are more effective at removing dust and debris from the air.”
Sanitize Cleaning Cloths With Vinegar
Cleaning cloths can be easily sanitized with vinegar. Many professional cleaners prefer non-disposable cleaning cloths they wash often. This helps eliminate bacteria and extends their lifecycle.
To sanitize your cleaning cloths, wash them with a splash of vinegar; laundry detergent is optional. You can also add in a couple of tablespoons of baking soda to remove odor.
Use a Swiffer To Clean Mirrors and Glass
Professional cleaners know a Swiffer is good for more than just cleaning floors. For hard-to-reach mirrors and glass, Alicia Johnson, professional cleaner and owner of California-based cleaning company Cleaning Green LLC, recommends a Swiffer.
“Just get a Swiffer and fold a microfiber cloth on the cleaning end of it,” she says. “All you have to do is spray the mirror with glass cleaning solution over the surface and drag down the Swiffer from top to bottom in one swipe.” This method, Johnson says, typically leaves no streaks behind.
Clean Walls With a Mop
Yes, even your walls can be cleaned, and doing so can save you numerous paint jobs, Johnson says. “Almost all modern paints are now waterproof, which means you can clean them using water or liquid cleaning solutions,” she says.
For this, you’ll only need two items: a wall cleaning mop and a mild multi-surface solution. “Simply spray the solution over the dirty area of your wall and use the mop to clean away,” Johnson says.
Shine With Glass Cleaner
Glass cleaner can shine more than just glass. Johnson says glass cleaner can brighten many dull or dirty surfaces, including countertops.
“Grab your glass cleaner, spray it over your doorknobs, faucets, handles and other similar items that need a shine, and then wipe with a microfiber cloth,” she says. “Doing so will give them a little extra sparkle to uplift your home’s overall appearance.”
Note: Glass cleaner should not be used on wood surfaces.
Bust Tough Stove Stains With Vegetable Oil And Salt
Stovetop stains can be a challenge. “I have seen people struggle with cleaning the top of their stoves since all kinds of stuff gets stuck to it due to the heat,” Johnson says.
However, there’s an easy solution for even the toughest stains on stainless steel and glass-ceramic stovetops. Mix equal amounts (one to two tablespoons) of vegetable oil and kosher salt. Spread the mixture over the stain, then scrub with a cleaning sponge or brush.
“This hack will get the sticky, pesky stain off of the stove and make it shiny, almost as if it was new,” Johnson says.