Mosquitoes certainly know how to ruin a pleasant summer evening. Avoid them this summer by using one of these unique (and very effective) tips for how to keep mosquitoes away.

Unbelievable Hacks for Keeping Mosquitoes Away

There’s nothing like a summer night gathered around a campfire or hanging on the porch, enjoying the cool breeze after a long hot day. The only downside? Mosquitoes! Those pesky bugs can easily ruin a fun summer night.
For National Mosquito Control Awareness Week, get your yard in shipshape for all those long summer evenings outdoors. By doing a bit of preventive mosquito care now, you can enjoy your outdoor space into the evenings. Although there are the typical ways for how to keep mosquitoes away (like using DEET or another one of these 7 mosquito repellent tips), there are a few unique hacks that can help your mosquito-blocking efforts even further. Check out the following tips for how to keep mosquitoes away.
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Remove Water Sources
Having accessible water sources around your home will draw in mosquitoes. Why? Because mosquitoes actually lay their eggs in standing or slow moving water. By cutting these water sources, you are cutting the number of mosquitoes laying eggs around your home—and in return, having fewer mosquitoes around the house in general.
Now water can accumulate around your home easier than you think. Some of the biggest culprits of water sources include unused tires, cans, pools and pool covers. Any plastic containers or ceramic pots for planting that are empty and collect water should be removed. Make sure to clean out your gutters as much as possible, and always keep an eye out for water build up around the house. Bird baths are also an easy target for mosquitoes!
Avoid Scented Body Products
Although some scents work as a repellent for mosquitoes, other body lotions or perfumes can actually attract these pests. The best thing to do is stay away from fancy smelling perfumes, colognes, body washes or lotions if you plan on spending time outside during high mosquito activity hours. These hours are typically dusk to dawn between April and October.
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
It may sound like a myth, but oil from lemon eucalyptus is actually recommended by multiple government sources as an insect repellent (including the Center for Disease Control and Prevention). It doesn’t just have to be DEET! If you’re looking for a more natural remedy for how to keep mosquitoes away, this oil will do the trick.
If they’re still attracted to you even after you’re clad in your lightest and brightest, there’s one more line of defense you can trust.
Light-Colored Clothing
It’s inevitable that one or two of these airborne pests are going to find their way to your skin at some point this summer. If they do, your protection doesn’t have to end there.
It turns out, mosquitoes are attracted to darker colored materials. As for the length of clothing, if you can cover up, you should do so. Wearing long sleeves and pants will significantly reduce the number of mosquito bites you accumulate by the end of the evening.