If you live in a region that experiences cold winters, you know the frustration of going out to your car and seeing your windshield covered by snow and ice. Once you clear that off, deicing the windshield wipers and defrosting the windows is the next order of business if you want to be able to see where you’re going.

Defrosting is a fairly easy, straightforward thing to do, but it can take time, which isn’t good news if you’re late for work. We’ll show you a hack that can speed up the process and comes recommended by auto expert Alan Gelfand of German Car Depot. Your car already has everything to make this work, so you won’t need any extra tools.

We have a few other tricks up our sleeve, so if you need to defrost a car window.in a hurry, we’ve got you covered.

How to Defrost Your Windshield Quickly

Instagram user @modernmilt claims you can quickly defrost your windshield this way: Simply flip your visor down when you leave your car for the day. The next morning when you turn your heat on, you’ll notice that your windshield will defrost much faster.

We ran this by an auto expert to check it out. Turns out it works because, as Gelfand puts it: “Angling the visor down stops the airflow from the defroster vents from moving across the headliner and creates a pocket of warm air that focuses directly on the windshield, helping defrost it faster.”

This trick will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to defrost the windows. Yes, it really can be that simple!

Other Tips for Defrosting Your Windshield Quickly

Ice scraping with defrost spray on car windshieldLYSVIK PHOTOS/Getty Images

Here are some other strategies you can use this winter to remove ice from your windshield and get your car ready to go as quickly as possible.

Spray a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol

This is one of our all-time favorite hacks to help you defrost your windshield. To get started, simply mix 1/3 cup of water and 2/3 cups of rubbing alcohol. Combine them in a spray bottle and give your windshield a good spray. In a matter of minutes, you should see your windshield begin to defrost.

This is one of the most effective ways for those learning how to defrost windshields because rubbing alcohol has a significantly lower freezing point than water. In other words, it expedites the melting process and makes it less likely the surface will freeze in the future.

Use your car’s defrost setting

Of course, you can also use your car’s defrost setting to get it ready to go. If you do this in combination with the other tips mentioned, it can be more efficient than it would be otherwise.

Use a plastic scraper or defroster liquid

You can also use store-bought tools such as a plastic scraper. However, you might potentially damage your windshield with scratches, so be careful. Another option is to use a pre-made windshield defroster fluid which you can buy at an auto store.

Don’t forget to look up how to defog your windshield for the icy months!


Can defrosting damage a windshield?

It depends how you do it. If you’re in a hurry and use a hair dryer or hot water, the sudden temperature change could very well crack the glass. That won’t happen if you use your car’s defroster, which heats up gradually, or you spray room temperature water and rubbing alcohol on the glass.

How do I get ice chunks off of my windshield wipers?

Whatever you do, don’t pour hot water on your windshield wipers while they are stuck to your windshield (see above). Scrape off as much ice as you can with a plastic scraper (don’t use a metal scraper or you could scratch the windshield) until you can lift the wipers. Once they’re free, continue scraping until you’ve removed most of the ice, turn on the car’s defroster, set the wipers back down and run them at a slow speed until the rest of the ice melts and chips away.

Find out why people leave their windshield wipers up in the winter.

About the Expert

  • Alan “Ollie” Gelfand is the owner of German Car Depot, an independent automotive service center specializing in the service and repair of German vehicles.