When you’re moving out of state, you’re essentially packing your entire life into the back of a truck, stuffing it fully of things with both monetary and sentimental value. Chances are you’ll need to park your moving truck or van at least once overnight and several times for gas and food breaks. Unfortunately, moving trucks are targets for thieves. However, there are a few easy steps you can take to safeguard your things. 

Prevent Moving Truck Theft with a Sturdy Lock

A cheap padlock from an old high school locker is easy to snip with bolt cutters. Spend a little more on a cut and tamper-resistant padlock. A sturdy lock meant for storage units or moving trucks will thwart opportunists who try to work fast and lack specialty tools.

Park In Well-Lit Areas Near Cameras

Rear view of man mover standing against truck on street in cityMaskot/Getty Images

Floodlights on a house are an effective crime deterrent. The same principle applies to moving trucks. Thieves working under the cover of night will avoid brightly lit areas whenever possible.

When stopping at night, try to park under a light post, ideally with a security camera. You could also park near the front door of a building, which will likely be lit and under video surveillance.

Back Up Against a Wall

Some buildings have parking spaces right along their exterior walls. If possible, back up against the wall. Get as close as you can to make it more difficult for someone to access the back of the truck. Better yet: Park near your window so you can keep an eye on the truck and hear any commotion outside.

Park Your Car Behind the Moving Truck

If you can’t back up to a wall, parking a car behind the truck works almost as well — anything to make it more difficult for thieves to access. If they can’t get a good angle on the lock or carry items down from the truck, they’re more likely to move on and pick another target.

Consider a Steering Wheel Lock or Other Safety Device

Sometimes thieves will drive off with the entire truck. There are some inexpensive devices that prevent vehicle theft. A brake lock, steering wheel lock or wireless alarm can be purchased for less than $100. Whatever you choose, keep it and use it again on future moves, or with other vehicles.

Track With an Airtag

In the incredibly unfortunate event that your moving truck does get stolen, you’re going to want to be able to help the police track it down. Packing a tracking device like an Apple Airtag with the rest of your stuff will provide you with accurate, to-the-minute tracking of the truck.

Insure Your Moving Truck Cargo

Some renters and homeowners insurance policies will cover your possessions while you move. Some rental truck companies also offer insurance for your cargo.