Various types of grit added to paint will make wood steps slip-resistant. Use special plastic grit and you'll never see it, even as the paint wears away.

Make Wood Steps Safer With This Simple Hack

Slippery stairs pose a significant hazard, especially in areas prone to rain or ice, as they can lead to dangerous falls and injuries. The risk is heightened for older adults, children, and individuals with mobility issues. Ensuring stair safety is crucial for preventing accidents. Simple modifications can enhance traction on wooden steps, making them safer.
This proactive measure not only protects residents and visitors, but also helps maintain the home’s overall safety.
How to Add Grit to Paint
Before winter hits, apply a coat of paint and traction grit on slippery wood steps. Sand and aluminum oxide grit are cheap, but both require constant stirring, and they show up as dark specks as soon as the paint starts to wear.
Instead, try polymeric plastic grit (such as Seal-Krete Clear Grip), which is available online and at home centers. Polymeric grit stays suspended in the paint as you apply it, and because it’s clear plastic, it won’t show up as dark specks as the paint wears. The steps for application are simple:
- Apply a fresh coat of paint to the steps.
- Immediately sprinkle a generous coating of rubber grit to the surface.
- Allow it to dry.
- Then, add a second coat of paint to seal the grit.
If you want grit that’s easier on bare feet, add rubber grit (such as Soft Sand Traction Grit) to the paint. Use the same broadcast method described above to apply it.